Chapter 7: Those Lifeless Eyes (L)ive

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Then finally after Anna sat on her knees waiting for someone to respond to her question a guy pushed his way through and looked at Anna.

"I was with her, I gave her a beer and she said she needed to go to the bathroom. She was gone for a little bit and when she came back she looked like that and she passed out." A guy said looking worried.

"Did you drug her beer?" Anna asked getting angry.

"No, I wouldn't do that. I like her, she's a cool person."

"What's your name?" Anna asked, looking at him.

"Wyatt." He replied looking down at Bunny.

"Hey, I need you to come with me." Anna said standing up.

Wyatt walked over to Anna and they walked away from Bunny. Max followed them.

They're only going to allow one person in the ambulance.

Wyatt looked down at the ground, looking ashamed.

"Hey." Anna said snapping, getting Wyatt to look at her again.

"I need you to go to the hospital too. The police will probably be there, and if they are they're gonna want your statement."

"Okay." He said nodding.

"I'm gonna go in the ambulance if they allow me and I need you to drive him. Can you do that?" Anna asked Max.

Max nodded, hesitantly.

After a little bit the ambulance showed up and Anna ran to them so she could show them where Bunny was.

They rushed over there and everyone got out of the way.

The paramedics ran over to where she was and picked her up, putting her on the gurney.

Anna walked quickly, following them.

Once they were in the back of the truck they looked at her and stared for a minute before talking.

"Can I come?" Anna asked, really worried they wouldn't let her.

"Are you family?" One of them asked.

"No-" Anna started but was interrupted.

"I'm sorry then, only family is allowed."

"I'm the only one here she knows, I'm her friend please let me come?" Anna asked again, sadly.

"Okay, hurry though." One of the paramedic guys said, seeming rushed.

Anna quickly got into the truck with the help of paramedics.

She looked one of them in the eyes and asked.

"Is she going to be ok?"

The paramedics guy about mid 20's with black hair just stared at Anna for a minute with his brown eyes and then looked back down at Bunny.

Anna's eyes welled up with tears, was that bad that he didn't answer her?

"Everything will be okay. She's in good hands." A voice said from behind Anna.

She turned around and saw it was a paramedics woman with brown hair and big blue eyes.

The woman smiled sweetly at her.

"It's alright. Don't worry." The woman said, comforting Anna by putting her hand on Anna's knee.

Anna smiled half heart idly and looked back at Bunny.

Would she really be okay?

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