Chapter 15: Police Station (A)crylics

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After a few hours of hanging out with Bunny Max went back to his dorm and Anna went to the police station.

She walked up to the main desk and asked for the one in charge.

2 clean shaven men behind the desk looked back, behind them and gesture towards the door.

Anna walked back there and knocked on the sheriffs door.

"Who is it?!" A deep voice yelled from the other side.

"Anna Housten. I'm here to give my statement." Anna says shuffling her feet where she stood.

"Oh, come in." 

Anna walked in and sat down in the seat the sheriff gestured towards.

A few hours later Anna had finished telling him exactly what happened, she told him about the attempted rape too.

"You are alright though right?" The sheriff asked looking concerned.

"Oh, yes. My boyfriend saved me." Anna said smiling, proudly.

He nodded and smiled too.

"That's good, really good." He spoke standing up.

"Well, Ms. Housten thank you for giving us your statement, here is my business card." The Sheriff said shaking her hand, and giving her the card. "If you can think of anything else that would help in this investigation give me a call." 

"Okay. Will do." Anna said, walking out of the room and outside to her car.

. 4 days later


Friday 4:32 p.m.

Anna was in the Bunny's bedroom with her, sitting in the chair beside her bed.

She was telling her everything that had happened since she was in the hospital.

"Anna, I don't know about Max he seems a little creepy." Bunny said scrunching her nose. "The way he left the door open so you could see him naked. That's scary, I'm worried for you." 

Anna just laughed. "It wasn't like it was wide open, and it's not creepy. You really shouldn't be scared for me because everything is just fine. He's a great guy, trust me." Anna said, reassuring Bunny.

Bunny smiled and agreed.

"You're probably the best judge anyway because you've been hanging out with him. I'm really happy for you." Bunny said hugging Anna.

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