Chapter 20: Tristen/Maxwell ALTERNATE ENDING

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This is an alternate ending to the other ending. Enjoy.

Anna proceeded to hide behind the bush, her heart pounded hard in her chest, what if Max heard it?

She swallowed hard and put her hands over her mouth to muffle her breathing

"Anna! You bitch, I'm going to get you." Max said, sounding like he was coming closer.

Anna pulled out her phone and tried to dial 911 but there wan't reception.

'I have to find a spot.' Anna thought to herself as she held her phone above her head and moved it around.

"Come on, come on!" Anna whispered, getting impatient.

"Anna, baby please come out? It's me, it's alright." Max said.

Anna's eyes got huge as she ran out from behind the bush and sprinted down the road.

"There you are." She heard Max growl as he chased her.

She ran as fast as she could, her legs were getting tired after a while of running but that didn't stop her.

Then Anna was at the end of the road, it went down another steep hill that led to the same cliff as before.

It had a sign that said dead end, Anna knew she was going to die if she couldn't get reception. She looked down at her phone and it had two bars. Anna smiled and her hands were shaking as she was trying to dial 911.

Anna saw him far away and she threw her phone to the side, in the grass.

She grabbed a rock and held it up defensively.

"Anna." Max said walking closer to her.

"Anna, honey put the rock down." He told her.

"Max, don't make me do this just let me go please?" Anna pleaded.

He got closer.

"For god sakes my name is Tristen, call me Tristen." He demanded.

"Tristen, I will kill you if I have to." Anna said starting to cry.

"I don't understand, I thought you loved me." Max said walking even closer, he was only a few feet away now.

"I don't love you, let me leave and I won't hurt you." Anna begged.

Max growled.

"You, you stupid whore. Why did you make love to me then? Why?!" Max screamed.

"Get away!" Anna yelled.

Max jumped at her and she kicked him in the leg, knocking him to the ground.

"AHH!" He screamed.

"I'm going to kill you, BITCH!" He yelled crawling towards her.

She held the rock high in the air, ready to throw at him.

He stood up and grabbed her legs knocking her to the ground.

He pushed her onto her back and sat on top of her, his knees pushing down her arms.

Anna screamed as his hands wrapped around her neck.

"Help!" She yelled as loud as she could before his hands tightened around her neck.

Her body was shutting down, she was running out of air.

She stopped grasping at his hands and stuck her thumb in his wounded eye and pushed as hard as she could.

He screamed in pain and let go of her neck.

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