Chapter 16: Date Night (L)asagna

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Max and Anna were texting until she was had to get in the shower.

"I'll be out in 10." Anna said just before she set her phone down and slipped out of her jeans.

Max "Okay. Can't wait to see you."

Anna "Me neither. ttyl."

Max "Bye ;)"

Anna sighed happily and got in the shower.

She quickly washed her body and hair and then when she got out she wrapped a towel around her body.

Anna "I'm out."

Max "Lmao, that was actually 11 minutes."

Anna "Lol, smart ass."

Max "Thanks." *Max sends emoji with sunglasses* 

After turning music on, on her phone Anna wiped the steam off the mirror and pulled out her caboodle containing her makeup.

25 minutes later she was dressed and all dolled up.

Anna "I'm almost ready I'll head over in a few."

Max "Okay babe."

She smiled at herself in mirror, and was satisfied with how she looked.

She was wearing a tan scoop neck tank top, a burgundy thigh high skirt and black tights.

After slipping on her black high heels she walked out the door.

Her car seemed so far away as Anna was walking to it, the heat was making her feel this way.

Wiping a bead of sweat off her forehead she got in her car and immediately blasted the air.

Sighing, she laid her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes for a minute.

Then, when she decided it was time to actually start driving she pulled out of her parking spot and started driving down the road.

On the way there she spotted a sno cone stand and stopped there for one.

The children, a boy about 12 and a girl about 9 thanked her and she got back on the road.

The icy, sweet texture felt nice on her dry, hot tongue.

She let out a satisfied moan as she scarfed it down.

Forgetting that it would give her a brain freeze a little too late that horrible feeling came through in her head.

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