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Your eyes are opened to see

Only repeating as all the days before.

Each questions their purpose

Wondering if there's more.

But little does one do

Other than to think and dwell.

Redundancy becomes life

And life a living hell.

Loneliness engulfs your being

Now dull what was once extraordinary.

How did your dreams disintegrate

Leaving you lost and ordinary?

Life is like a drug addiction

A high and low to every day.

Wanting more than anything to change

But in security of familiarity we stay.

How can a chain be broken

Caged for all to see

Where lies the keys to change

Unlock me, set me free.

Your eyes are opened once again

Standing in front of more than one door

Yet you reach for the knob you know

Only repeating, as all the days before.

I know she thought about getting back together with the young man who caused her so much pain. Thank God she came to her senses and realized she was in a revolving door when it came to this relationship.

She seemed so much happier after it was FINALLY over. I think she learned a lot about herself and came to realize she wanted more out of life than being treated like a door mat. Not only did she realize she wanted more, but for the first time in a very long time, she knew she deserved more!!

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