Beautiful Blindness

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Budding love

In a single heart

Nectar of a flower

New petals forming to start.

Fragrance of love

Touch softer than my own.

Blooming perfectly,

But the flower remains alone.

How gorgeous its colors

Of indescribable beauty

No objects to fight with

No stems ruptured feuding.

The scent from the flower

Ambrosia to all

Standing straight and sure once

But now starting to fall.

Why has God

Given this look to one which won't be admired.

Why can noone see

This beauty's light being fired?

Why be perfect

If no gardener's hand strokes it's leaves?

Why be grand

If not accompanied by more plants or trees?

Poetic is this symbol

Of joy which dwells in sorrow.

For it's beauty will fade

From the hands of tomorrow.

And because no one saw

This once splendid thing,

No one acknowledged

It's existence or being.

It will die alone 

With no vase to rest in.

No person smelling

The beauty that had been.

So which is better

Think long and hard

Average among many

Or perfect and bared?

Sheltered from the

Look only another could share.

Think about that question

And wonder was it really fair?

When you feel only normal

With no particular glow

Remember this story

And among your flowers, bloom and grow.

I don't pretend to "know" what Nichole was trying to say, but I feel like this one is saying don't isolate yourself. It is better to let those who love you help you along the way. It says to me, you bloom and grow when with  people, and will wither and die if you try to stand alone. 

If you enjoy reading Nichole's poetry, you would have LOVED talking to her in person! She was such a colorful person and could articulate herself so well. I am very interested in what meaning you take away from this poem. If you don't mind, maybe you could just write me a line or two telling me what you think she was saying here.

Thank you so much for accompanying me on Nichole's journey so far. It would mean so much to me if you could take a moment to comment or vote.

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