It Could Have Been

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With each tear falls more happiness,

Leaving me feel rushed along it's way.

Draining me emotionally.

Draining me physically.

Precious tears cried because of sadness.

Each tear a thought, my face an essay.

Written by memories and words within the flood.

How sad the rain is.

If I kiss my tear will it smile, rejoice?

Thoughts of love.

Does no one yearn for my lips?

My touch? My love?

How in love am I, but love does not return.


Is it better t never love than to love one that doesn't love back?

Or what if love is returned, but nothing more?

A feeling felt by both, yet never acted upon.

How wasted is that magical connection?

If those sparks light a fire in one's heart, should one not use it?

Why love, if one is unwilling for whatever reason to explore that love?

To afraid or confused to appreciate the love being offered.

Leaving one alone.

Fleeing one, leaving one sad.

How great it could have been.

Not really a poem, but filled with just as much raw emotion as even her best one was.

You see, there was a young man that came into Nichole's life between the jerk and the one she told me she was going to marry.

They had deep true feelings for each other, it really was love. However, they were not sure if it was "that kind" of love or more like a brother and sister kind of love. I am not sure exactly how they sorted those feelings out, and that is a good thing, that would have been way TMI.!

They came to realize that they were meant to be just friends. Now that is not a bad thing, they remained friends until the day she died. She did always wonder what would have happened if they had taken their love in a different direction. They even talked about it sometimes.

There is not always something bad that comes out of relationship that doesn't work out like you thought it might. Yes, I will admit most of the time it ends badly. However, every now and then you end up with a life long friend.

Being old enough to stop and look at the situation and access it for what it is, will save you so much heartache later on. Having sex with someone when you are not really ready can cause all kinds of problems. Having sex doesn't make you an adult, acting like an adult is what does that. Do the adult thing and talk to your parents before you make that decision. We as parents may not like it but we want to be there for you and help you make the right, responsible decisions.

Thanks for letting me voice my opinion here. Remember, you are important, what you think is important, how you feel is important. I am in no way saying that young people should be in adult relationships, just that if that is where you are in life, you will truly  benefit from talking to your parents

I realize my opinion might make some readers upset, I hope not. I am just trying to talk to you as a mother.

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Words a Mother Never Heard (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now