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For my entire life

I will remain faithful to his touch.

Without him I would stop breathing

I need him that much.

I finally found

Someone I can live my life for.

The search is over

I do not need look anymore.

The way he glances

Into my eyes

Only reassure my

Reading of the signs.

He touches me

In a way I cannot explain.

With anyone but him

It would not be the same.

He tells me the words

A girl needs to hear

To know she is

Safe, loved and secure.

When he says certain things

I close my eyes

When I open them

I expect it was only a dream, created lies.

But with me

Is where he stays.

Because of my love

He does not stray.

Dedicated to his happiness.

Anything to see a smile on his face.

This is my movie ending

An open and shut case.

Grateful for each day

That he remains with me.

And he finally realized

This is the way it should be.

I don't know if the line, "someone I can live my life for", caught your eye or not. I know that when Nichole loved something or was excited about something, she jumped in head first, no questions asked. I know her dream of love was like this and I wish with every fiber of my being that she could have had a love like this.

In Nichole's perfect love, she forgot to love herself first, to put herself and her needs first. I know as women we instinctively want to take care of someone, or something and make it feel loved or wanted. We always put everyone else first before our own needs and wants.

I guess my question to you is, how can you give yourself completely to anything unless you know what you are bringing to that situation? It is so important to take the time to get to know yourself and to love who you are. No one is going to do that for you, unfortunately that is all up to you.

My baby girl was looking for someone to fill a void she felt within herself. Nichole was a very intelligent, loving and determined young woman in every other aspect of her life, but not love. I often wonder is she had just come to us with her insecurities, and learned to see herself as we all did, would she still have allowed someone to treat her the way he treated her?

I realize this is just an opinion of a mother who loves and misses her little girl so much. It hurts me deep in a place only a mother can know, deeper than even my soul, to know that my daughter was treated so badly when all she wanted was to love someone with all her heart, and to have that love returned to her. I don't think that was to much to expect. It hurts me to say that maybe if Nichole could have given herself the kind of love she gave to others, maybe just maybe, she could have seen that he was not the one for her.

They say, hind sight is 20/20. Some would say it was her destiny to go down this path, that without it she might not have written her poetry that seems to mean so much to so many people. I really don't know, all I know is I just wanted her to be happy.

Ok, I am done rambling on. Please learn to love yourself. We are all like snow flakes, no two are alike yet each one is so unique and beautiful. You are a snow flake, accept your beauty, inside and out.

If my rambling was not to terribly bad, maybe you could take a moment to vote. Thanks.

Words a Mother Never Heard (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now