A War to Come

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~Echo's POV~

My body ached as I drifted back into a conscious state. Every inch of me was pulsating with every breath I took. My lungs felt as if they were being crushed between my ribs as I drew in more frequent breaths causing a soft groan to escape me. What had they done to me after I'd lost consciousness?

I struggled to open my eyes and tried to regulate my breathing in a less painful manner as I let my eyes adjust to the din of the cell. Something stirred from within the cell near where the bench lining the back wall was and I strained to see where the sound was coming from. Crocodile rose from the bench and slowly walked toward me.

"You're awake." He noted tonelessly. "Can you move?"

I managed a half grimace half smile and shakily sat up. It was a mistake, the moment I was upright I knew it. My insides felt jostled and out of place and I slowly slumped back to the cold stone floor with a groan. "Think I'll just stay here a bit, the floor feels lovely."

Crocodile let out a derisive snort, "I'm sure that's it." After a moment he sighed and knelt beside me, but nothing happened.

I chanced a peek and spotted him looking me over as if inspecting my various injuries. "They did a number on you."

"They don't take rejection well." I smirked.

Crocodile shook his head, "What did they ask you?"

"There were more demands than questions." I noted as I tried once more to pull myself into a sitting position.

Crocodile looked thoughtful as he extended his oversized metal hook for me to grab hold of. I graciously accepted his help and managed to sway to my feet. "They want you to cultivate devil fruits for them?"

My eyes widened at this, how did he know about that?

Before I could respond I heard movement from the cell across from ours and turned to see Ace chained to the opposite wall. He lifted his head after a few moments and blinked groggily. His dark eyes latched onto me on my feet and he jolted slightly.

"You're awake."

"Ace!" I cheered, "I'm here to rescue you."

"Bang up job." Crocodile snorted.

Ace threw me a questioning look, "Not that I'm doubting your methods or anything, but how do you propose to do that?"

"Well okay, so my initial plan was a little bit of a bust."

"A little?" Crocodile mused.

"Not helping." I grumbled and folded my arms in front of my chest only to hiss at the pain as I applied pressure to several wounds littering my torso, "It doesn't matter, I saw another rescue plan; the boy with the straw hat is planning a break in-."

"Luffy?!" Ace yelled causing me to jump.

"Yes, I think that's his name." I replied softly, "What's wrong?"

"He can't be anywhere near here!" Ace was frantic now.

"I don't understand. He's trying to rescue you, like me."

"You shouldn't have, look what's happened to you." Ace growled, the chains binding him rattled in protest as he waved his arms in rage.

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