The Morning After

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A/N: Not a lemon, but I'm sure you all figured out where things were headed after the last chapter haha... I'm not sure IF i'll write a lemon for this story or not considering the one I'm writing for Syn is taking me forever >.<  I know that not everyone is interested in reading lemons so IF I write one, I'll put an Author's Note at the beginning with a warning so those who don't want to read it can skip it altogether. That being said, this chapter does hint to some of their activities in a vague sense so it shouldn't be too upsetting for anyone not into such things... did that make sense??? Okay I'm done rambling. 

~Echo's POV~

I remembered briefly being awoken to someone knocking at the door and Shanks smoothing my hair back and telling me to go back to sleep before tucking the warm blankets around me. When next I woke, I found myself alone. My body was sore and achy all over, new spots that I didn't even know could ache were throbbing. Heat spread across my face as I thought back on the previous night's activities. True to his word, he devoured me, not once, not twice, I'd lost count as I lost myself in orgasmic madness.

As I laid in bed willing my body to fight through the aches and pains and get out of bed, I was struck with a blinding headache. I let out a gasp of pain and pressed the heels of my palms into my temples and applied pressure in a meager attempt to block out the pain. The familiar pulling sensation of a vision washed over me and I braced myself for what was to come.

I saw Blackbeard in a dark smoky room at a table with a plethora of vile criminals. They were plotting against the Whitebeard Pirates wanting to strike them while they were still weakened and scattered. As I tried to get a closer look at their plans, Blackbeard's coal black eyes shot upward staring directly at me. A gasp escaped me and I withdrew from the vision. I tumbled from the bed with a yelp and scrambled to find a garment to clothe my naked body.

Grabbing one of Shanks' plain white shirts that fell to about my knees, I slipped it on over my head and bolted for the door. My body protested violently, every inch of me was sore. Grimacing through the aches and pains I bolted out of the room. I had to find Shanks. Blackbeard was planning something. The Whitebeard Pirates were still in danger. Many of them were injured and they'd lost many during the war.

"Hey Ech-." Ace spotted me before anyone else and cut off as he took note of my current attire, his eyes grew wide and he hurriedly averted his gaze, "You do realize that's almost completely see-through, right?"

I didn't have time for this. "I don't care. Where's The geezer?"

Ace frowned at this, "What's wrong?"


Ace clenched his fists in anger. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Whitebeard. An image of him appeared in my mind's eye. He was talking to Shanks in the sickbay.

"Echo?" Ace's voice sounded like it was fading away as I felt a familiar pulling sensation.

I opened my eyes as I was hit with the smells of antiseptic, cleaner and various body odors from the sickbay. Whitebeard and Shanks were staring at me in awe. Shanks took a step toward me and wrapped his black cloak around me shielding my body from prying eyes.

"Echo, what's wrong?" He asked me, there was concern in his dark eyes as his hand lightly pressed to the small of my back ushering me into a chair. Perhaps he knew how much of a struggle it was for me to keep standing, I obviously wasn't his first lover if the previous night's activities were any indication.

"Blackbeard is planning on striking while your crew is scattered and vulnerable." I hesitantly met Whitebeard's intimidating gaze.

Whitebeard pondered this information for a moment before nodding dismissively, "Thank you, little one."

That was it? "Shouldn't we do something? I could try to find out their pl-." I tried but cut off with a squeak as Whitebeard gave me a sharp look.

"We've accepted enough help from you brats." Whitebeard grumbled, "We will take care of it on our own. It isn't your concern."


"Echo." Shanks placed his hand on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze. "Let's go." He swept me up, cradling me against him with one arm, not seeming the least bit bothered by his handicap.

"Stubborn Old Geezer." I grumbled under my breath as Shanks carried me away causing him to chuckle.

"He is, but he does have a point and we should respect his wishes."

"So, we just let him get himself killed?" I asked horrified.

Shanks sighed, "We should try to have a little more faith in him..." He looked at me curiously, "Are you alright Echo?"

My cheeks flushed scarlet, he was asking if I was hurt after last night. "I-I'm fine."

"Hey Captain. Your big nosed friend is giving a riveting speech, you may want to check it out." Yassop blocked our path looking a little hungover. The sniper looked to me curiously. "Something's different about the brat..."

My face burned at this. How could he possibly know?! I opened my mouth to tell him to shut up but was interrupted as Benn appeared behind him and interjected with his opinion on the matter.

"I agree, something's missing."

Shanks chuckled at the expression revealed on my face, "Her wires are gone." He supplied for the pair.

They both shrugged at this, accepting his answer. "You should probably make sure things don't get out of control. He seems incompetent but people are listening." Yassop continued on about the problem on the main deck.

Shanks nodded before handing me off to the sniper despite my attempted protests. "Can you make sure Echo gets a relaxing bath without intruders."

Yassop raised an eyebrow at this. "What's wrong with the brat, are her legs broken?"

"Shut up." I glowered, "I'm fine."

"Humor me, both of you." Shanks chuckled, before turning and walking away to make sure the big nose wasn't about to start an uprising on the ship.

Benn looked me over with a knowing smile, "Judging the redness of her face, her current attire and the captain's behavior, I think perhaps they may have celebrated their reunion."

My entire body turned scarlet at this, "S-Shut up! I-It's none of your business!"

"Well sure, but we all celebrated, everyone was drunk that doesn't expl-." Yassop began before catching the first mate's double meaning, his eyes grew wide, "You really think he did?!"

I elbowed the sniper in the chest before burying my face behind my long sheets of silken snow-white hair in pure mortification. "Shut up, Idiot!"

Video- "Rule The World" By Zayde Wolf

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