The Meeting Pt. 2

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~Echo’s POV~

                After a few moments of Shanks being on the other ship, the Whitebeard Pirates piled onto the deck that our ship was currently connected to. Where was Shanks? Benn and Yassop threw me a worried look as I tensed between them. “Where is he?” I asked softly.

                “Don’t worry, brat.” Yassop smirked as he draped an arm across my shoulders.

                “We’d know if things had gone bad.” Benn attempted to reassure me.

                A deep booming laugh reverberating from the other ship caused me to jump.

                “See, the old man’s laughing, things must be going well.” Yassop smiled uneasily.

                I noticed some of the Whitebeard Pirates looking around curiously and realized that something was not right with the situation. “No, something’s wrong.” I panicked as the sky above turned dark and the loud heart stopping sound of clashing steel nearly split the sound barrier.

                “Oy, stay here!” Yassop groaned as I wriggled out of his hold and flitted for the plank connecting our ships.

                A man with choppy blonde hair and a tired look in his electric blue eyes blocked my path, “Only your captain is allowed on board.” He warned me.

                I froze as an image of Ace lying face first on the ground with a gaping hole through his back fluttered through my mind and stumbled backward with a gasp. “Move out of my way, pineapple head.” I grumbled bitterly before flitting from view.

                “OY!” The blonde yelled after me as I darted past him. I was faster than they were, they couldn’t stop me.

                “ECHO!” I heard Benn, Yassop and the crew cry in a panic as the Whitebeard Pirates lunged after me in an attempt to apprehend me.

                My field of vision was blurred as hot tears burned in my eyes, but I pressed onward heading toward the sounds of the ensuing battle. “STOP!” I cried as the booms of their clashing weapons rocked the sky and the sea roaring like thunderclaps. “STOP FIGHTING!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I finally reached the deck the two Emperor’s were facing off on.

                “Eh?” A giant of a man with a white tusk like mustache raised his head to glare in my direction, “What is this? A trick?” He roared.

                “Echo? What are you doi-?”

                “Ace is going to die!” I cried halting the blonde man who’d finally caught up to me from tackling me to the deck.

                His electric blue eyes were wide, “What did you say?”

                Shanks threw me a worried look as my tears fell freely.

                “If you continue on like this… if you do nothing… he will die.” I choked.

                “How would you know?” The blonde suddenly spat in disbelief the agony of the very thought of losing his nakama turning into rage. He reached out to grab me but froze as a burst of ominous energy shot from Shanks and turned to meet the crimson haired man’s fearsome glare.

                “Don’t touch her, Marco.” Shanks growled venomously.

                Marco ignored him and roughly gripped me by the shoulders, “Oy, you can’t just say something like that and expect for there not to be any repercussions.” The blonde man’s glare was fierce, but the dark aura of rage radiating from Shanks had me much more concerned.

                “Marco.” The giant of a man’s voice boomed, “Release the girl.”

                The blonde looked as if he wanted to protest but out of respect for his captain released me without question.

                “I’d like to speak to her alone.” Whitebeard rumbled.

                What?! I paled.

                “No.” Shanks replied coolly.

                Whitebeard looked as if he were going to attack again, “Its fine.” I replied somewhat shakily and grimaced as I sensed Shanks’ glare looming in my direction. He was pissed.

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