Chapter 3: Elbert Heinwig

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I feel so invisible at school and at home. My parents are divorced and I have no friends at school. But, my grades are above average. No one ever pays attention to me. They never ask, "Hey, Elbert, how's your day going?" Sometimes my mom talks to me, but not often enough to say she does.

But I learned to adjust with the silence. I'm a good listener because of that I guess you could say.

One day, I looked into the mirror. Was there something wrong with my face or something, and that's why people didn't like to talk to me? Freckles, reddish orange curly hair, and braces. I suppose I wasn't that awful looking. I smiled and put a double thumbs up in a reassuring way.

At least I still have my smile haha.

I've recently been having these weird dreams night after night. I'm in my school, James Monroe Middle School in Mrs. Bailey's classroom with two other kids I don't think went to my school. 

There was a girl who was sitting in a chair concentrating on a cup of water. Then there was a kid on the other side of the room crossing his arms and watching the girl. 

The dream has been happening about 6 times already. I'm not sure what it means. Of course, I'm not going to tell anyone about it. No one would be willing to listen. 

Earlier, on my way out the house to go to school, I heard on the news something about a 'Watson's Experiment' I think it was. They were talking about switching atoms between more than 2 individuals. It was all confusing mumbo jumbo to me though. I only understood what they were saying with 'dream swapping'. It sounded crazy but you never know. There have always been crazy things happening. Things out of the ordinary.

This Watson's Experiment thing intrigued me. I wondered about it. What is it all about? Who is involved?

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