this party is the worst

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This party is the worst, I thought, sticking my fingers into my mouth to force myself to throw up the horrible result of a dare Kiba made; a detestable mix of anything liquid used for cooking. Olive oil, soy sauce, ketchup, you name it. I didn't back down, it was a dare, after all. And I was drunk.

The music blasted through the speakers and even in the bathroom, I could feel the floor vibrating.

Sasuke had left my side some time ago, probably going at it with someone. To get my revenge for it, I decided to get drunk, opposite of what he told me.

And here I was.

"Hurry up, whoever's in there!" Someone banged loudly on the wooden door.

"I'm almost done!" I yelled out, wiping my mouth on a towel. I looked around for mouthwash, but I was drunk, so I guess I didn't care.

I walked out and let the person in.

"Naruto you done yet?!" Kiba shouted above the music in the living room, Sai sitting next to him, performing the dare someone placed on him as he pulled Ino in for a kiss, his hand leading to something more.

"Naruto!" Sakura slurred, swaying lazily to the music while holding a drink in her hand. Her makeup was smeared, and she was sweating as the hot summer night air blew through the open doors and windows.

She walked over to me, her heels proving to be challenging as she almost fell a few times.

"Naruto, my head is spinning reaaally fast." She giggled, her arms hanging on to my neck.

"Yeah?" I smiled, my head also in sorts of motion. "I could fall any minute now." I was now dancing to the beat of the music, unknowingly rubbing my body on Sakura, but then again, as drunk as she was, she went along, laughing.

"I'm so. . ." she slurred, grabbing my hand as she led me to the couch where Ino and Sai now sat, their mouths completely locked.

"Ugh, my head." She said, her eyes closed as her face neared mine. My mind was a mess, so without thinking, I grabbed her, sat her on top of my lap and kissed her. She kissed me back, her breath smelling like strong alcohol.

"Guys, guys, stop! Turn the music down! The cops are here!" Neji ran inside, shutting off the speakers and gaining everyone's attention.

"Neji!" They all yelled, mad that he powered off the music. Sai immediately ran out to speak to them, since, after all, this was his house.

"The cops are here, damn it! Get rid of the drugs, hide them, do something!" At his words, the people sober enough to do anything hurried to discard anything suspicious off the counters, dusted the white powders into containers and hid them somewhere as the rest foolishly walked outside to see the commotion between the cops and Sai.

Sakura was now asleep, our little thing didn't even last a minute. I got up, curious to see Sai argue with the cops.

To my curiosity, the people standing at the door watching were all silent. I wonder why.

Walking through the crowd all the way to the very front, I witnessed Sai being handcuffed, his face not smirking like all the times before. This time, he must've done something worse, but I wonder what could be worse than dealing drugs?

"Does anybody recognize this young man?" The officer spoke, his hand high to show everyone the ID of a familiar person.

Oh no, not him. . .

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