a bloody halloween*

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I laid in darkness. Something wasn't right. No, not right, weird. It was 3:33 a.m., Sasuke had warned me about that hour, said its dangerous. And it's not like I believed him, after all, he is Sasuke, and Sasuke loves playing tricks.

But due to the fact that it's almost Halloween, not to mention, that hour, there's this odd feeling, sound, that has me awake, clinging to Sasuke's shirt as he slept next to me.

That's right, a sound.

Dear gods in heaven, no, wait, dear whoever is out there, please let that be an owl. The noise its making is too weird.

"Sasuke. ." I whispered.


"Sasuke, I think something is out there."

"There's always something out there." He mumbled.

"Sasuke!" I hush yelled.

"It's an owl, Naruto."

"That doesn't sound like an owl!"

Sasuke sighed. "If I get up and check, turns out it is an owl, you're going to have to pay me back." He mumbled, sitting up and reaching over me to look behind the curtains. "Its nothing. You're just freaking out because I told you that stuff." He said, now looking down at me with a playful smirk.

"You're just saying that. There really is something out there, isn't it? And why are you smiling like that?"

"I want my payment." He said, starting to get on top of me.

"You're a pervert." I said, rolling my eyes as he leaned down,his face almost an inch away from mine.

"And also the most handsomest demon in the block." He added.

"Yeah?" I asked, our faces now a thread away. . .

• •

"Happy Halloween!" The kids shouted.

"Alright, you guys take it easy." Sasuke said, giving up on doing this anymore and handed the kids the entire bag.

"Can we please go out now, you guys?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"Be patient, we're gathering the stuff. Help out if you want this to go faster." Sakura scolded, grabbing everything we needed for the trip to the usual spot in the woods behind Sai's house.

"I'll go waste time." He said, running upstairs to his room.

"Naruto, they're taking long, waste time with me." He said, opening the door to find Naruto just finishing up with once again, fueling the crystal.

Naruto walked on over, closing the door behind him and placing his freshly wounded hand on top of Sasuke's bloodied shirt. The bloodied part supposed to be fake but, lately Sasuke found his demon blood to be sweet and intoxicating.

Naruto stood on his tippy toes, kissing Sasuke. Clearly he knew how to waste time better than Sasuke did.

• •

"So, who's next?" Kiba asked, once again rolling his eyes towards us.

"I'll go!" Sakura raised her hand.

"You guys stay, we'll be walking around." Sasuke said, getting up.

The group cooed, but we walked away into the silhouette of the forest. Sasuke palyfully dragging me along the darkness that surrounded us.

We walked farther, completely stopping when we were sure we were lost.

"Remember what happened when those kids got lost in the movie?" Sasuke asked, I rolled my eyes.

"You're not scaring me." I said, my arms slightly trembling as the sounds from the woods started sounding a bit suspicious, though they were probably just small animals moving about.

"I don't scare you?" He asked, his breath hot as he looked down at me, a flashlight in his hands.

"I don't know, do you?" I asked, leaning a bit closer.

Sasuke smirked, his hand grabbing the tainted necklace around my neck. "I love how you do this." He said, taking my wounded hand and bringing it up to kiss it.

"You've turned into one of those monsters, my gods." I laughed as his nose inhaled the scent of my blood.

"Im a demon, I can't help it." He said, throwing the flashlight away, a loud crack emitting as it hit a rock and broke, leaving but two bodies alone in the dark.

• • •

"What's that noise? It's the same from that other time." I asked, my heart speeding faster. There was no way an owl could sound like that, let alone two who coincidentally sounded similar.

"You're overacting." Sasuke laughed, "you should really stop believing everything I tell you."

"Sasuke, I'm not playing, there's no way that's an owl." Sasuke looked at me, playful-like but sat up anyways, his hands holding his phone as he turned on the flashlight widget.

Shining it around, he stopped on the one thing that caught our attention.

An owl starring straight at us.

//lame chapter because I'm lame af

Nah, just kidding. Lame chapter because if my writers block gets to me, i probably would've updated till next month so might as well update now right? Also, that owl scares the crap out of me. (Maybe because I kept hearing an owlish sound outside my window last night, yes I added here)

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