something off

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"Just keep walking, Naruto." Sasuke sounded mad as he pulled me along with him.

I won't lie, seeing that thing staring straight at us sent shivers down my spine, but what worried me the most was the way Sasuke growled and suddenly wanted to leave. Its like, there was this feeling that lingered somewhere in me that kept telling me something was really wrong.

"Sasuke wait, I - my legs can't keep up."

He turned towards me, his eyes seeming to be glowing a faint red. "Just. Follow." He said, and I shut up and struggled to walk at his pace.

"Guys, you're back, what took you so long?" Kiba asked, his voice full of sarcasm.

Sasuke said nothing as he let go of my arm, mumbling something about going to the car.

"What's wrong with him?" Kiba asked, frowning as Sasuke quickly marched off into the woods again.

• • •

"Sasuke?" I silently opened the car door. He sat in the passenger seat, his head leaning against the window. "Is something wrong?"

He stayed still, the feeling inside me scaring me now. "Sas-"

"I'm fine, close the door."

He smiled, but I knew he was hiding something. "So. . "

"I'm tired, I guess." He said, his hand finding its way to mine. "Sorry I acted like that. Something just came over me."

"Mm, its fine. So are we going to go back?" I asked, motioning my head back towards the campsite.

"Sure," he said, leaning in to kiss me, "go ahead I'll be there in a bit."

"I can wait if you-"

"I'll be behind you." He interrupted, getting out of the car.

We walked back the way we came, Sasuke following behind me. When we reached the trail leading to our spot, I found myself starring at an empty space, almost as if nobody had been camping out. Our tents were gone, the fire was. . not even there.

"Are you sure we followed the right trail?" I asked, turning around to find that Sasuke wasn't there. Panicking, I started yelling Sasuke's name, walking around, retracing my steps.

There wasn't any answer, not from him, nor from Sakura and Kiba.


"Naruto? What are you doing?"

"Sakura! Have you seen Sasuke? Where were you guys?" I turned, seeing Sakura walk out from a different trail.

"What do you mean Sasuke? Did you get lost?" She smiled, a sad smile, I noticed.

"I- wait, where's Kiba?" I asked.

"He's back at camp with Hinata and the others. Oh! We're starting scary stories if you wanna come back, where did you go anyways?"

"I was looking for Sas-"

"There you are, dobe, I was looking for you." Sasuke sighed, walking out from the darkness. "Don't run off like that, you scared me."

Confused, but glad Sasuke was here, I ran up to him, hugging him tight as my heart returned to its normal beat.

"If you guys want to come back now, that would be great." Sakura said, coughing into her hand as if to interrupt us.

"We'll be there." I replied, looking back towards her as she shrugged and began walking back to camp.

"I got scared, where were you?" I asked.

"You mean, where were you?" He asked as if correcting me.

"Never mind, are we going back?"

"Lead the way." Sasuke said, waiting for me to move. I grabbed his hand, noticing how it was warm and wet, and how I could smell the blood. What had he been doing?

//hmm. . very smol chapter. I wonder why (bc my phone got stolen, so excuse me while I use a very cheap phone with little space and asjdlalhdjasd; basically I'm pissed) but yah don't forget to vote and comment and all that fun stuff while I try to locate it love you guys

~sammy out

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