you're interrupting*

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The necklace was dripping with my blood.

I cried, not because of the pain my hand ached for, but for the wound now left in my heart as I've been doing this for hours, and nothing seemed to happen.

My white hospital gown was now decorated with blood, a disturbingly pretty scene as everything else was white except for this. I still had blood on my mouth, from where I bit my hand so hard, blood dripped on me.

Crying, I sat next to the small mattress, sitting and rocking back and forth, my hands still holding the bloodied necklace and still wishing hard for Sasuke.

"Call Kabuto, we need assistance, now!" The nurse outside my door had finally looked inside, and now she was struggling to open the door with the many keys she held.

When the door opened, she rushed to me, unable to do anything until this Kabuto arrived. She talked to me, asking why I did this, and tried to separate my hand from its grip on the necklace.

A few male nurses rushed in, one of them holding an injection in his hand and another holding a white jacket. . . the crazy jacket, I remembered. I've seen that thing in one of Sasuke's scary movies.

"Separate his hands, carefully!" Kabuto walked in, shocked after seeing me covered in blood and rocking back and forth.

"Don't make any sudden moves, don't scare him." He said, and the nurses walked slowly towards me.

". . you're interrupting a very important ritual." I said, my voice crescendoing from a whisper.

The first nurse that was close enough grabbed my arms, and I did nothing to stop him; at least I was still holding on to the necklace.

The second nurse slowly advanced, finally getting close enough to whisper something gentle and stick the vaccine on my arm. I remember the rest rushing towards me as my body was now weaker to fight against them.

When I woke up, I wasn't tied to that stupid jacket, I was tied to the mattress, a newer mattress since the one I had earlier must've been soaked in blood. This one even had a base, unlike the other one.

I struggled a bit, trying to free myself of my restraints, but even my feet were tied. My right hand now had stitches on it, and it was clean of blood, as was my gown.

My left hand was also clean, however only up to my fist. Opening it, I realized the bloodied necklace was still there, alone with sticky, warm blood. It hadn't dried yet.

My chest tightened at the pain it was receiving, the spell hadn't worked.

Didn't spells require an incantation? Maybe that's where I went wrong.

I scolded myself inside my head, crying, sobbing at the awful realization Sasuke wasn't coming back from the dead.

"Why do you cry?" He asked.

"Because," I responded, "the spell didn't work. I can't bring you back." More tears fell, and after a quick second, I stopped.

Did he just ask?

Was that really his voice?

Turning my head slowly, my eyes set upon the dark hair I used to spend hours tugging, playing, teasing with. Those dark eyes I get lost in. . even now. .

"Hey, dobe. Heard you went crazy." He smiled.

//if you guys can't tell already, the dollar store has me exited for Halloween already.

I mean,

Selling Halloween decorations in august? Come on, son.

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