Chapter 5 - Over again

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Francesca had been acting weird since Leon talked to her.

Like, really weird. I mean, I guess Leon apologizing for being an asshole was a whole new thing for her, but my new friend clearly looked mind blown.

To sum up everything, I think they are.. good now. They aren't exactly, 'enemies', but neither friends, so call it.. acquaintances. Like Leon and I's relationship. Yeah. Acquaintances.

Would you mind it being something more?

Yes. He's still an ass. And he ruined my first day.

But he's pretty hot, though. And I heard from a bird be broke up..

My subconscious tried to play mind tricks on me, as always when an attractive guy entered my life, whether he was good at heart too or not.

Okay, judging by appearance, he wasn't that bad, but there was a long way to go to even think about him as something more than a.. friend. If I ever call him that.

Back to the point.

Francesca and Leon were on generally 'good terms', so that was the first step for Leon. I admit, I really thought it would be much more difficult for a stubborn (in a good way) and strict to her beliefs girl like Fran, but I was.. happy it didn't end badly. And, there was more to the story I didn't know and probably never would. Maybe they were friends before all this and Francesca deep down wanted to have him back.

I wouldn't push either of them if they didn't want to tell me. Time would tell if I would find out.

Okay, yeah, first one, check. Next was.. I don't even know. Camilla? Maxi? The whole Studio? That was his decision. I was only there to guide him, and that only if he let his pride aside to ask for my help.

Well, he actually thanked you quite a few times before, so I'd say that gives you an answer.

Oh, shut it.

After his and Francesca's little chat, Leon had returned to me and had the biggest smile on his face. That gesture had freezed me for a moment before I had been snapped back to reality, and well, to him.

He'd told me she had been hesitant at first, and that he completely understood that, but when he'd made his move to leave she had stopped him and that was when she had changed her mind.

Seemed like a Francesca thing to do.

And what was that supposed to mean, inner self?


Leon hadn't stayed much, but had left with Diego soon after he'd informed me of his success. He'd claimed he had to do some more things that involved his 'redemption'. I hadn't stopped him. Not then, that he had the motivation, anyway.

It seemed so sudden that he'd changed from a rude douche to someone who attempted to correct his mistakes. I wasn't exactly sure yet how I'd managed that either, but it made me smile was an understatement.

No one was a bad person, not necessarily. We all choose the path we go down, and there should be no one to force us down a path we don't wish to follow.

I just hoped that applied for Ludmila as well. Because, she was coming back, too. I couldn't have the others return and her stay out, it would be a crime. Even though she treated me like I was garbage, I still had hope there was a glimpse of kindness deep down inside her.

Must be really deep though.


Anyways, I hadn't seen Leon in almost a week. Probably because of his expulsion, that lasted three days. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and the weekend.

I'm in love with my bully (Leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now