Chapter 37 - Wake up

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Violetta's POV

Pablo's lesson just finished. I still need to talk to Tomas and tell him to forget all the ideas he thought for a plan to make us heartbroken.

He's not gonna make it. I'm going to talk to him right now and clear things out.

I walked out of class and saw Leon walking out with Fede and Maxi too. He looked at me and fastly looked away.

I decided to give him the time he wants and just left to find Tomas. He wasn't in Pablo's lesson, so he's probably somewhere practising a song or something else.

I walked around the Studio and found him in Beto's class playing his song "Entre tu y yo".

After he finished, I walked in.

"Violetta! I'm so glad you came here!" He said and smiled

I just nodded and looked at him

"Tomas, what you did hurt me and Leon and now you're the only reason he's avoiding me" I said

I saw a little smirk growing on his face, and I pretended like I didn't see it.

"Violetta, if Leon doesn't believe you, then obviously you can't be friends. I can't even think of you as a couple" He said

I can't believe he's trying to convince me to leave Leon! The girls were right. He is a jerk. And the biggest jerk I know.

"Tomas, are you even listening to what you're saying? You're trying to convince me to forget and leave Leon forever?" I asked in disbelief

"I'm listening to what I'm saying and I'm not saying that Violetta" He said

"That's what it looks to me" I mumbled

"I'm trying to open your eyes, and make you see that Leon wants to stay away from you" He said, like nothing was happening

"No! Leon doesn't want that, at least he didn't! After you came, everything changed and now he hates me because of you! If you didn't show up, my life would be complete! The day you called, me and Leon almost kissed! If you weren't here we would kiss and now we would live our life together, happily ever after! But no, you had to ruin everything! And now you're telling me to stay away from Leon, the love of my life because you don't want me to? I can't believe I thought you were a good person! You know what? I ran after you that day because I wanted us to be friends and not enemies! But now, I don't care! You are such a jerk!" I said with all of my anger

He had to know how I feel. And yes, the only feeling I have for Tomas is...I don't even know if I feel something for him. Hate? Anger? I don't even know.

He was speechless. I guess he didn't expect that. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it

"Violetta I-" I cut him off

"I can't even look at you Tomas! The good boy I met a week ago is now lost, and now you look like a stranger to me! I look at you and don't feel anything! You're such a bad person Tomas!" I said

"Violetta please let me-" I cut him off again

"I hope this makes you understand, that whatever you do to me, Leon, Fran and Diego, you're not gonna make it. Because we are strong. And we can pass through everything" I said

He didn't say anything. Just looked at me. I continued talking.

"If you already made a plan, I suggest you to forget it. Because it won't work. I know Fran for a long time, so and Diego. We're not stupid to believe your tries to hurt us!" I said

He didn't answer again.

"You don't have to say anything? Anything? At least you could apologize, but no. You are really selfish to do it. And now I found it out" I said

It was finally time to tell him everything. Everything I had to say just got out of my mouth and went straight to Tomas' ears.

I hope now he understands that I will never love him. Never. And now I'm 1000% sure about it.

"Violetta, I didn't meant this" He finally managed to say

"You didn't? That's what I thought! It was obvious Tomas! Just forget your stupid plans and leave me and my friends alone. And don't ever talk to me again. Ever again" I said

These were my last words before I walk out of the room. I finished the conversation and I hope Tomas understood that no one wants him as a friend.

I heard him yelling my name but I didn't care. I looked back and saw him following me and then I walked faster.

I was now in the middle hall of the Studio, when Tomas grabbed my arm and turned me to look at him.

"Leave me alone! Can't you understand that I don't want you in my life?" I asked trying to pull away

I saw the girls and the guys looking at us from different directions. I decided to ignore them and finish this.

"Violetta just hear me out!" He said

"No Tomas! Your plan to make me, Leon, Fran and Diego won't work! Just forget about that stupid plan and live your life!"

"I want to live my life with you!" He said

"I don't! Because you're a bad person! A really bad one! Just trying to break me up from my true love is enough to understand what kind of person you are Tomas" I said now looking at him with anger

"Yeah but I did all these because I love you! I want you so badly and I won't stop 'till I make you mine" He said

I looked at him in disbelief. After all I said, he still tries to get me? He's unbelievable!

"What are you even talking about? I won't ever be yours Tomas" I said

"Yeah but you stole my heart, and I'm gonna do the same" He said

"Don't even give a try. Because my heart is already stolen by someone else" I said and looked at the direction of Leon, who was with the guys.

Did I mention that all of them were listening to us?

"No, you don't love him Violetta. Understand that Leon hates you, and wants you to stay away from him!" He shouted

"Tomas, you make my life worse! You're trying to get me, but you only hurt me with what you're doing! I don't wanna talk or even look at you anymore!" I shouted too

"I don't make your life your worse, I'm trying to help!"

"If you want to help, then stay away from me and everyone I know! And don't even try to talk to me again!" I said and looked at him angry

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off

"Don't. Just leave us alone!" I said and walked out of the Studio.

I heard the girls and the guys yelling my name but I didn't stop. I just walked away.

I'm glad Tomas knows everything. I only need to make Leon forgive me.

I hope Tomas is going to stay away from me...

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