Chapter 65 - In love

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Leon's POV

I left Violetta and walked to the Studio. Seriously now, I don't know who she is, how could we ever be together?

I don't feel anything when she is hurt, because I don't know her and I can't have any real feelings for her if I don't know her.

I will forget her, by time. I think...But something isn't right here. If I don't know her, then how were we together? How did we kiss? How did we took those photos? Ugh, too much questions to think!

I walked into the Studio. Francesca and Camila were talking about something but when they saw me they stopped.

Fran left Cami and walked to me.

"Hey Leon!" She said cheerfully

"Hey" I said

"Are you okay? I was really worried!" She said hugging me tight

"Wow, calm down girl!" I said as she pulled away

"Nah, it's just that I missed you a lot" She said and smiled

"Well, now I'm here, so let's enjoy our life" I said smiling back as she laughed

"I was really worried, everyone was, but do you know who was more worried than ever? Even that your parents?" She asked raising an eyebrow

Please don't let it be Violetta! Please don't let it be Violetta! Please, please, please!

"Who?" I asked inpatiently waiting for answer

"Are you even asking me? Your beautiful, your princess, Violetta!" She said as if it was the most obvious thing

"My...beautiful? Princess? What?" I asked confused

"That's how you call her, duh" She said slapping my arm playfully

"First, hey! Second, I don't remember who Violetta is, so I don't know anything about her" I said simply

Fran's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She had a shocked look on her face.

"Whaaat?" She asked still in a big shock

"Yeap, that's the truth" I said and rubbed her back

"Nooooo! I want Leonetta back!" She whined as I laughed

"Wait a minute..." I stopped laughing immediately

"What's Leonetta?" I asked in a confused look

"Your and Violetta's couple name, which is Leon, and -etta from Violetta, and it means Leonetta!" She said and made a heart with her hands

"No, no, and no. There is and never will be Leonetta" I said destroying the heart she made

"Nooo! Everyone here ships you! Now that Alex left, you can live happily ever after!" She said smiling widely

"Fran, understand it! I don't remember anything about Violetta, she looks like a stranger to me, like...I met her for the first time, nothing more!" I said as her smile turned into a frown

"But Leon..." She started but stopped

"Leon, she can't forget you! Maybe you can, because you have no feelings, but she has, and really strong! You can choose, either be with her, or help her forget you, which won't happen" She said as I slapped my forehead

"I see you don't get it..." I mumbled as she gave me a death glare

"What did you say?" She asked like she didn't hear what I said

"Nothing, nothing" I said quickly and she smirked

"Good boy" She said and slapped my arm playfully. Again!

"Look, Fran, anything you say, me and Violetta won't be together, because I don't feel anything for her" I said and she shook her head

"No, no, and no. I know you love her, but Leon, you think a lot. You have to stop thinking that much and live your life. And then you will remember her" She said and rubbed my back

I raised my eyebrows.

"Seriously, Leon, I'm not lying. I hope one day you understand it" She said

"Understand what?" I said confused

"That Violetta loves you. And you love her too. It is no point to be away from each other, when you love each other more than anything" She said and I sighed

"Fran..." I said but stopped

"Fran what Leon? You left Violetta alone somewhere, right? Why? You could at least tell her why you left her. Now she thinks that you hate her" Fran said

"I don't hate her, I just can't remember who she is. I wish I could but...I can't. Maybe another day..." I said and shrugged my shoulders

"Ugh, Leon, I would die if I would be one day away from Diego. And look at Violetta. She was heartbroken when you had your accident, she cried days and nights, and when you wake up, for a minute she is happy but then sad again because you can't remember her. You should to talk to her, she really needs it" Fran said as I looked down

Her words hurt me a bit. Was Violetta really so heartbroken? Did she cry days and nights for me? Did she help me wake up?

"Are those things you said true?" I asked after a while of silence

"Yes, Leon, I'm telling the truth. She did all these for you. She could even leave everything just to be with you! Her life, her friends...the only thing she needs is you" She said as I bited my lip

Would she really leave everything for me? Does she love me so much? Would she abandon her whole life just to be next to me?

Maybe I shouldn't be so hard to her. Maybe I could be her friend and start over again. Or...?

"Okay, Fran, I will think about it" I said as she raised her eyebrows

"I don't trust you about these things" She said as I laughed

"Me? You trust me, Frannie. Or I can say to your boyfriend that you aren't really friendly to me..." I said and smirked

Her eyes widened

"No, no, no, I trust you, you are a really good friend" She said quickly as I laughed again

"Yeah sure" I said between laughing

"Listen, Leon, this is not funny. We were talking about you, not me" She said as I immediately stopped laughing and listened to her carefully

"She loves you Leon, a lot. You too, and you'll understand it soon" She said and I looked down

"Okay Fran..." I said

I looked at the time on my phone.

"We have class, let's go" I said and she nodded

Well, let's hope I get my memories back soon...

I'm in love with my bully (Leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now