Chapter 29 - In love with him

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Violetta's POV

All my lessons were done. I walked out of my last class thinking how to tell Tomas. He will be heartbroken.

Not that I care for him more than a friend, but it hurts me to see my friends sad. But I need to do this.

Yes, I need to tell Tomas. I don't want to be something more than friends, I don't like him in that way.

Because my heart is stolen by Leon. And I can't do anything about it. I love Leon. And Tomas must know it, because I only want him as a friend.

I searched for Tomas around the Studio and I found him writing something on his notebook in Beto's class.

I walked in the class and Tomas looked up to me smiling.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" He asked me

"Hey Tomas, I wanted to talk to you" I said

"Well, sure, tell me"

"I don't know how to say it Tomas, it will hurt you a lot" I said looking at him

"Violetta, what is it?" He was getting worried

"Tomas, well, you talked to Francesca earlier right?" I asked him

His worried face turned to an angry one

"She told you right? I told her if she does she will pa-" I cut him off

"Tomas, why are you doing this? You know we just met yesterday!"

"Yes Violetta but you are so pretty and I can't deny my feelings for you!"

"Tomas, you just met me! This can't happen! I am recently broken up with my ex boyfriend, and I don't want to be in a relationship!" I said

"Violetta, if you don't feel anything, then why did you smile at me yesterday all the time?"

"I thought it would help for your audition, not make you love me!"

"Yeah but now I do! And I can't control my feelings Violetta!"

"You should learn to control them then, because you and I will never be together!" I said

"Who said that? Violetta it is a matter of time that you will find out your feelings for me!"

"I don't have any feelings for you and never will Tomas! You need to understand that I don't love you!"

"Why Violetta? Why? I can make you happy again after that Leon broke your heart!"

"No Tomas! Don't ever talk about Leon like that again!"

"I will because he did hurt you and I'm not gonna let him do it again!"

"Tomas! Are you even listening to what are you saying? You say you're not gonna let me be with Leon? Are you serious?"

"Yes Violetta! I can't stand watching you hurt!"

"Tomas, I will say only one thing. Don't try to make a move on me, because then you will destroy our friendship! And listen to this. I don't love you. I am in love with Leon. And I will never stop loving him. Because he is the one and not you" I said looking at him.

He was shocked from my words. I guess he believed that I like him back. But he must know the truth. He is new here and he doesn't know my past. And I love Leon. He can't change that. Anything he does to take me away from Leon won't work. And he has to know it.

"" He asked me still in shock

"It is Tomas. I'm sorry but you had to know"

"No, I'm sorry I...I shouldn't react like this"

"I understand Tomas. But, please, control your feelings" I said to him

"I'll try" He said

"Yes, Tomas, I hope you do"

"I said I'll try" He said and smiled

This time I decided to return it.

"Violetta, are you really in love with him?" He asked me

"Of course I am. He is all I want"

"Then why aren't you together?"

"Because I wanted some time to forgive him for what he did" I told him

"What did he do?"

"He...kissed Ludmila"

"The blonde girl?!" Tomas asked suprised

"Yeah why you ask?"

"Because she was so nice to everyone yesterday"


"Yes. She said she made some mistakes and she wants to heal the wounds she opened"

"Wait, are you talking about Ludmila? Ludmila Ferro?"

"Yes, her. She said she is sorry and she recently is together with a Federico guy" Tomas said

"She is with Fede?" I asked shocked

"Yeah that's what she said"

"Okay...but Tomas, just remember. I am in love with Leon. And will never stop"

"It's fine...I will get past this. I have to go now, see ya tomorrow" He said

"Bye" I said and he walked out.

I'm not sure but Tomas looks fine about it. I think that if time passes, Tomas will forget me. I hope so.

If Tomas moves on, then my life will be fine again. I will be free to be with Leon again anytime I want, without someone creating problems.

I hope Tomas moves on...

I'm in love with my bully (Leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now