Chapter 45 - Importance

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Violetta's POV

I just finished Angie's class. I need to talk to Fran and Leon.

But first Fran. Best friends are more important, because they stay for your whole life.

Fran is very important to me. I need her. I need my best friend back. She is always here for me and I need her next to me.

She gives the best advice, helps me with my problems and makes me forget my awful life for a while.

That's why I need to find her. And reconcile with her.

I called Diego to ask him if he saw Fran. I didn't see her today morning at the Studio.

"Hello?" He said from the other line

"Hey Diego it's me"

"Hey Vilu, what happened?"

"Have you seen Fran?" I asked him

", she didn't come at the Studio today"

"Really? Weird. I'll go find her then. See ya"

"Bye" He said and I hung up.

I decided to go to her house because I know she would be there, crying all day.

After a while, I made it to her house and knocked the door.

Her mum opened.

"Hello Violetta! Come in! Fran is upstairs" She said and smiled

"Hello, nice to see you" I said and returned the smile.

She let me in and I went to Fran's room.

I knocked the door.

"Mum, please go away!" I heard Fran shouting

From the sound of her voice I could bet that she was crying.

I opened the door and looked at her

"Can I come in?" I asked

She looked at me with her red, puffy eyes. I think she was crying all night.

"Vio...Violetta? Go...away please" She said sniffing.

"No, Fran, I won't" I said

I sat next to her on her bed.

"Look, Fran, I never kissed and never will kiss Diego, I swear it in my life, he is your boyfriend, my best friend's boyfriend, I would never do this to you. Also, he only helped me with Leon, he told me that Leon loves me, nothing else, that he is going to come back to me one day, and I just have to wait. In the closet we only hugged because of that, we didn't went into the closet to talk, someone locked us in. And yesterday, after Tomas showed you the video, I understood that he did it, because he wanted to hurt the three of you. I would never run into his arms, you know that. Fran, me and Ludmila discovered that Tomas did it an hour ago, with Diego's help. And now I only want to be your best friend again, nothing more" I said and looked at her

She looked at me.

"How...can I believe...that Tomas...did it?" She said sniffing

"Just listen" I said and took out my phone.

I played the recording.



"If you are here to beg me to tell the guys that I did it, you won't make it"

"Yeah Tomas, you need to tell Fran and Leon right now"

"Whatever you say. They will never find out that I did it Diego"

The recording stopped. Fran looked at me.

"I'm so so so so sorry Vilu. I was so wrong. I had to trust you. I'm stupid" She said and looked at the ground

"Don't be sorry. I would do the same. Just promise me that we will never fight again" I said and she looked at me

"Friends Forever?" She asked

"Friends Forever!" I said and hugged her.

I'm so glad I have Fran back! My best friend is with me again! I love her so much!

We pulled away after some seconds.

"You are the best friend in the world Fran" I said

"You too Vilu" She said and I smiled

She returned it

"Now, I think that you need that you need to tell someone that you're sorry..." I said and looked at her with a smirk

"Oh no! I forgot about Diego!"

"Don't worry, we'll go to the Studio, then you'll tell him"

"Now? It's too late" She said and looked at the time


"Fine, fine. Let me get dressed and then we go" She said

"Okay" I got up from bed and walked out of the room.

After a while she came out too, wearing a cute blue dress.

"Ready?" I asked

"Let's go!"

We left her house and walked to the Studio

"I missed you Fran. Even if it was just for one day"

"I missed you too Vilu. I wish Tomas never did this" She said

"Me too. And imagine, Leon was coming to tell me to be together again!" I said and looked down

"Don't worry, when he'll listen to the recording everything will be fine" She said rubbing my back

"I hope so..."

"By the way, do you think Tomas locked you in the closet?"

"I bet he did it"

"He wanted to make me and Leon think that something is going on! What a jerk!" She said and shook her head

"I know Fran, I know. Trust me, when Diego talked to him today, he had an evil smirk on his face"

"Ugh, I hate him!"

"So do I" I said

After a while we arrived at the Studio.

Fran left to find Diego and I smiled. The return of a cute couple is near.

They are meant for each other. I wish I could say the same about Leon.

Oh Leon...

I walked to the class I had.

I hope I will make up with Leon soon...

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