Chapter 38 - His plan

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Tomas' POV

I watched Violetta as she left. Seriously, it hurts me to hear those words from her. She thinks that I want to make her life worse!

I would never do that. But I can't say the same about Francesca and Diego. Or Leon. Diego hurt me a lot in Spain, and now he's gonna pay. Francesca told Violetta that I love her, and I will make her heartbroken. And Leon, he's gonna suffer more than anyone for hurting Violetta. I won't stop with my plan, I already started the first part...

Now that Francesca and Diego are together, it will be easier to break them and make them hate each other. And they will never find out that I did it.

This is gonna be so much fun! I should continue with the second part of the plan. I need someone to help me with it. And I think I already know who he is...

I searched around the Studio for the person. It wasn't with the girls or girls because it doesn't hang out with them.

I finally found the person in Angie's class, writing the song for the groups probably.

I walked in and the person looked up at me.

"Ludmila I need your help" I said

"With what?" She asked

I smirked evily and she saw it. I think she will be glad to help. I don't know when I will make the plan work, but I'm sure I'm gonna do it.

"Will you help me with something?" I asked her

"I ask again, with what?" She said

"Let's say it's gonna hurt your enemies, who are Francesca, Diego and Leon" I said still smirking

Her face turned into pale. She looked at me with an angry look.

"Are you serious? I'm never, ever hurting my friends again!" She shouted

"You don't seem like a friend to them..." I said

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Well, they obviously don't want to talk to you, but they have to, because they are good person" I said and she looked down

"I changed Tomas. I don't want to hurt anyone of them, especially Vilu" She said and looked at me

"Ludmila, this is your chance. To be the supernova you say you are. You can win them all and be the best. The best of the Studio" I said

She shook her head

"Tomas, no. I'm not the same selfish person I was. After Fede came, my whole life changed. And I'm glad about it" She said being proud

How stupid! She finally has her chance and throws it away! She is just like all the others!

"Ugh, just forget it!" I said annoyed

"Fine, I'm leaving" She said, took her bag and left.

I slapped my forehead. Now who's gonna help me? Who? I need someone's help!

Let me think. Who hates them? Umm...erm...uh...ugh no one hates them! I guess I'm alone this time.

The first part of the plan is completed anyways.

Now the second part. We need to make Violetta and Diego be locked up in a closet. Then Francesca and Leon will go and find them and then they will think that something is going on.

And then the second part will be completed.

The third and final part of the plan will be after Francesca and Leon see that. The next day I will show them something that will make them heartbroken. And then, Fran will break up with Diego and Diego will be heartbroken too. Leon will hate Violetta and she will come to me. And finally, I will get her.

Yessss, that's it! That's what I'm gonna do! I'm sure that my plan will break all of them!

And I will finally get my revenge! It's time for them to pay for all the things they did.

And this is the best way for them to learn their lesson. Because my revenge will be the most painful of all.

I smiled evily and left the Studio. Now I have to get Violetta and Diego locked up in a closet. I just need Diego's phone.

That won't be hard. After a while locked in, I will tell Fran that Vilu wants to talk her in the closet, and that Diego wants to talk to Leon too.

And then they will get suspicious! Yeah, I'm evil I know. I can get whatever I want whenever I want and no one can stop me.

Soon you'll get to meet the real Tomas Heredia...

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