Chapter 64 - No memories

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Violetta's POV

I woke up with a headache. I was crying all night, I don't even know how much I managed to sleep.

All that matters is Leon. I was stupid to leave him at the hospital, without saying a single word.

I have to go and talk to him. I want him to remember me, because I can't live without him.

He is my everything, everything I have is him, I could abandon everything to be with him, my life, my friends, I would leave everything just to be next to him.

And now, he doesn't know who I am. He thinks I am a girl, who just visited him. Nothing more. How can he remember Alex, Tomas, and not me?

I decided to go to his house and try to help him remember me. Maybe he would, and everything will be fine.

I got up from my bed. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door.

I looked at my self in the mirror. A girl with red, puffy eyes, with a face really wet, because of crying.

That's how I am the last 2 days because of Leon. First the accident, now the fact he can't remember me...

I washed my face and teeth. I put some make up on and I managed not to look like I cried.

I walked back to my bedroom and got dressed. I walked downstairs.

Everyone was missing. Angie and Fede were probably at the Studio and Olga was shopping. Dad and Ramallo are coming in 4 days.

I got out of the house and walked to Leon's. I will try to help him remember me, even if that will be hard.

How can I help him? Oh! I will show him the photos I have in my phone! Yeah, that's right, that's what I'm going to do.

I rubbed my face with my arms, and kept walking.

I hope he will remember me, because I can't live without him. He is all I want, I only want him to be happy.

Only him. But, as much as it hurts me to say it, he might has lost his memories forever, so...

No, I don't even wanna talk about it. He will remember me. And I will help him to do it.

After all the things that happened, after the bullying part, the almost kisses, when we got together, the break up, Tomas, Ludmilla's change, Tomas' plan, our made up, our date, then our kiss...then when were together, Alex, the kiss Alex wanted to give me but I looked away, Leon's accident, our second kiss, and now this...It is all too much for me.

I can't forget the feeling when we kiss, that amazing, warm feeling that takes control of my whole body, and it makes me feel like I'm the happiest person on, I really can't forget it.

But if he world will turn upside down. That's why I need to help him remember me. I need him to remember me, because then...I don't even know what will happen. But it won't be good.

I reached Leon's house and knocked the door.

His mum opened.

"Oh hello Violetta!" She said and smiled

"Hello mrs Vargas" I said and returned the smile

"Look, I don't know what happened in the hospital room, but I'm really thankful you helped Leon wake up. You're a life saver. I can't imagine a better girl for my son" She said as I blushed and looked down

"Thank you so much mrs Vargas, but the thing is that...Leon doesn't remember who I am" I said as I felt the tears coming into my eyes

"Oh dear, I'm really really sorry. I hope Leon will remember who you are soon. Because before the accident you were the most inportant thing for him. He always talked to us about you. Violetta is pretty, Violetta is smart, and so many others. And I bet he still loves you, but his feelings are deep inside, hidden, because he follows his mind, not his heart. When he does, he will remember you" She said and gave me a quick hug

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