Chapter 68 - Love in the air

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Violetta's POV

Today we have no classes, so the guys recomended to go to karaoke. Of course I agreed, because I love singing.

It was 9:30 and the guys said we would meet at 10. OMG I need to hurry!

I jumped of the bed and ran to the bathroom. I fastly washed mt face and teeth and ran back to the bedroom.

I got dressed into a light blue dress, and then walked fast downstairs. Fede was eating breakfast.

"Hey Vilu, are you okay?" He asked as he saw me running

"Yeap, I'm just late to go to karaoke" He said as his face lit up

"I'm going too, should we go together?" He asked as I happily nodded

"Oh, by the way, there's an important detail I wanna say..." He said hesitating a bit


"Tomorrow's the show" He said as I was shocked

"Whaaat? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked angry

"You were too sad about Leon, and you know..." He said as I nodded

"Okay, okay, let's go then" I said and we left.

The guys and I decided to meet at the karaoke, so me and Fede walked to there.

"How's it going with Leon?" He asked as I sighed

"He can't remember me..." I said and looked down

"Vilu, I know he can't, but, yesterday when you were missing, he sang "Habla si puedes" in your place, and he suddenly stopped. Pablo asked him why and he said that he remembered something" Fede said as I looked up to him

"Really? Did he say that?" I asked

"Yeah, he did" Fede said as a smile grew on my face

"Do you think...?" I asked with hope

"Yes, I do. I think he remembered you" I said as my smile became bigger

"We'll see" I said and he nodded

We kept walking in a deep but comfortable silence. It feels like you're going somewhere with your big brother.

After a while, we arrived at the karaoke. I walked in and saw the guys sitting at a table.

I looked at Fede and he nodded. We walked to their table.

"Hey guys!" I said when me and Fede went at their table

"Hey!" They all said

"Sit down guys" Fran said

I sat between her and Cami. Seriously now, I always sit between them, don't I? They're like my guards or something that protect me from everything.

"So, will you sing?" Fran asked as I shook my head

"Nah, I don't feel like it..." I said and sighed

"Is it about Leon?" Cami asked as I slightly nodded

"It hurts me to be away from him...a lot" I said and looked down

Fran mumbled something but I didn't hear her.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing!" She said immediately

I raised my eyebrows but gave up. Okay, this was weird.

"What do you want to drink?" Cami asked getting us out of the awkward moment

I'm in love with my bully (Leonetta)Where stories live. Discover now