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hiiiii I hope u beautiful ppl are doing well :) and YAY 400 READS IM HAPPY
(pic above is a lockscreen my fave acc on twitter made. check her out :) @lokscreens)
"Are you okay, Lou?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. You just seem a bit distant lately. I don't like it."

Louis looked at Harry incredulously. He hadn't known he was acting like that. He thought he was spending an equal amount of time between smoking and being with harry. But, according to Harry, he wasn't.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I'll try to be with you more." Louis apologized.

However, it wasn't enough for Harry. He wanted a real apology. But, it wasn't even just that. He wanted a reason, the truth. He's not too fond of his own best friend lying to him. Harry felt hurt and betrayed. He never thought this day would ever come. However, it did and to say Harry hates it is an understatement.

"Why are you lying to me?" Harry asked. Louis looked appalled that he'd even say those words.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked, pretending not to know what Harry is talking about. Despite him knowing damn well what was being discussed.

Harry didn't like this side of Louis. The lying side. He loathed it. So, he retaliated, "Don't play dumb with me, Lou. I don't like this: you constantly lying to me. It makes me wonder what else you've been lying about."

"I haven't been lying to you about anything, Harry. If something was on my mind I'd tell you."

"But you haven't been telling me. And that's the problem. We're best friends; we tell each other everything."

Louis sighed, defeated. He knows Harry is right. He knows he's been lying to him, hurting him. Louis felt guilty, of course, but he didn't know how to resolve it.

"I-I started smoking again." Louis confessed.

Harry didn't say anything for a moment. He didn't know if he should, but he did anyway.

"Why?" Harry whispered, looking down at his hands. Even though he's not looking, Louis was staring. Burning a hole in the side of his head. And Harry felt it, however, he didn't look up at his supposedly best friend.

"I was overthinking stuff." Louis said shortly. It was the truth, too. Just not detailed.

"Like?" Harry said, barely above a whisper. The green-eyed boy picked at Louis's bed sheets, still not looking at the boy.

"Well, when I had smoked the first time since I started again I was overthinking how I was going to tell you. I didn't expect you to be so calm. And I was stressed. I was stressed because of you. Every time that dumb cancer stick touched my lips, I thought about you. My mind was just like, HarryHarryHarry. I didn't know what to do. I thought the cigarettes would help me forget about it, but that didn't work. And since I started up again, I won't be able to stop."

Finally, Harry picked his head up to look at Louis. And Louis could tell that he was on the verge of tears. All Harry did was blink and a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Please Lou. You have to stop now. Please." Harry said. His voice deeper that usual since he's trying not to let out a sob.

"Haz, you know I can't. I'm in too deep." Louis shook his head slowly as he spoke.

However, Harry shook his head vigorously, saying, "No! It's not too late. I saved you once, I can do it again. Please try Lou. For me. I love you too much to watch you slowly kill yourself."

While Louis thought this was a friendly love, Harry meant it. His little crush somehow turned into this burning passion. Harry wanted to just grab his beautiful face and kiss it. He wanted kiss it all over , then share a slow and loving kiss with him. Louis's lips looked so soft and all Harry longs for is to feel them against his own.

Unfortunately, he can't. Louis would reject him and think he was being weird and ruining their friendship. So, for now the curly haired boy just hugged him. He squeezed him tight, never wanting to let go.

Little did Harry know, Louis felt the exact same way.
Sorry it's short, next chapter will be longer.

QOTC: How ready are you for 1d's 5th album on a scale from 1 to not ready?


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