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Hola :) this is really just a filler with random stuff I'm so sorry I'll make up for it I promise
there's another lock screen for u guys :)
"Harry, please? It felt really good."

"No, do it yourself."

"Noo, it won't feel the same! Please? Don't make me tickle you."

Louis started moving his hands closer to Harry's torso until Harry shrieked and pursed them away. Laughing, Harry replied, "Okay, okay! Fine I'll do it. Just relax."

Louis laid his head against Harry's broad chest, getting comfortable. He closed his eyes as soon as Harry started playing with his hair again. Harry ran his long fingers through the shaggy brown hair, even twisting some pieces of it.

Harry heard Louis sigh in content, and smiled fondly. He loved spending time with Louis and just admiring him. Of course, he makes sure that Louis doesn't notice. At least he hopes he doesn't notice. How awkward would that be?

"Harry?" Louis asked quietly, snapping Harry back to reality.

"Yes?" Harry replied equally as quiet.

"Hypothetically speaking, would you date me?" Harry's eyes almost popped out of his head. He got tense and his heartbeat sped up a little bit faster and really hoped Louis did not notice.

However, Louis did but decided not to say anything about it.

"Um, well. I--I guess. I'm not sure. Wait. Yeah, I am sure. I will." Harry answered as confidently as he could.

He thought about taking Niall's advice and just telling Louis how he feels. They tell each other everything anyway. So as of now, he'll just be dropping hints as subtly as he can.

"Really?" Lou asked surprised.

"Well, yeah," here it goes. "you're smart, funny, incredible, and beau- pretty, yeah, pretty. And nice, sometimes."

Deciding to ignore his slip up, Louis nodded. He turned around so that he was now laying on his stomach on Harry's front. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry, kind of hugging him.

Harry didn't know what to do at first, but when Louis snuggled into his chest a little more, he just wrapped his own arms around his best friend.

Best friend.

Those two words will always be stuck in his mind. But as of right now, that didn't matter. Louis is cuddled into him and has his arms around him and one of his legs in between Harry's.

"This is a new cuddle position." Harry stated obviously.

"Yeah, I thought I'd try something new. We should try new things some time."

"Like what?"

"I'm not sure, but we'll figure out soon enough." Louis yawned and tried snuggling even closer to Harry, if possible. To say that made Harry's heart flutter would be an understatement.

"Tired?" Harry whispered.

"Well, it is like, 2 in the morning, so." Harry looked at his phone to see that it is in fact 2AM.

"Oh, I didn't notice. Are you going to sleep?"

"We kind of have to so we won't be tired for school, Harold. Duhhh." Louis chuckled as did Harry.

"Okay, good night then, Lou. Love you."

"Love you." And soon, Harry heard Louis's light snores through the quiet, dark room.

Harry started rubbing his back, whispering ever so lightly, "I love you. I love you so much, Louis. I wish I could tell you while you're awake, but I just can't. I can't ruin our friendship like that. You might not even like me back, for all I know. I sometimes have dream where yo and I are happily dating, no cares in the world. And often times my dreams are about us living together. We're married and live in a nice house with two pairs of small feet running around, giggling loudly because their father is chasing them. Maybe we could have that one day. But, all you have to do is just love me back. However, you don't and that's what crushes me. I guess it's true when they say crushes only get crushed. But, I don't mind since I'm getting crushed by you. And I love you too much to let you go. One last thing before I go to sleep with you in my arms as my best friend: I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you, Louis Tomlinson."

He kissed the top of Louis's head and hugged him closer. A sigh of content left Harry's lips and fell asleep with a smile in his face.
hi I hope this was ok. I wanted to update really quickly since I haven't in almost like 2 weeks I think. I'm not sure I don't keep track. Even tho I should.

Love u


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