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this is not soon lol I'm sorry but yay update :D
It was a week later since that day. It was never brought up by neither of the two boys. Louis was also trying to quit again. Just for Harry. Louis would put Harry before anything. Even if it's health.

Harry tries to tell him not to and that he doesn't need to worry about him, but Louis didn't care. He didn't care about anything unless it had to do with Harry.

Of course he cares about Niall, too, but only because he's friends with Harry.

Louis was lowering his smoking time -- taking baby steps. He's down to one stick a week instead of two per day. To say Harry is proud of him was an understatement.

Currently, it was around 1AM and Louis was outside on his balcony with a cigarette. He was leaning over the bar, letting the ashes fall to the ground.

He hears the sliding door open, knowing it's his mom so he doesn't turn around. Jay stands next to her son and doesn't say anything for a while.

When Louis puts his cigarette out, Jay begins to speak.

"How are you?" Such a simple question that has many answers. Louis doesn't know how he's doing.

"Not sure. Why are you up?"

"Something woke me up and told me to come talk to you."

"Even if I was asleep?"

"You haven't slept a wink." Louis looked at his mom confused. How did she know he hasn't slept yet? Was she watching him?

Jay chuckled, then replied, "Mother's intuition. So, now I'm here. What's going on?"

Louis sighed. He didn't know what was going on, but he did know it had to do with Harry.

"Harry, that's what's going on. I love him a lot, but.." He trailed off, hoping his mom would get the gist and not make him say it.

Of course, things don't always go his way.

"But?" Jay asks, gesturing for her son to continue.

"But, I'm not sure anymore. Like, I am sure -- it's just, I don't think I love him platonically anymore. I love him as in I want to kiss him so bad and to hold his hand. I want to hold him while he's sleep and I want to just love him. But I can't. I can't because he thinks we're just friends and that's all we'll ever be."

Tears are now rolling down his cheeks, but he doesn't care enough to wipe them away. Jay hugs her son tightly as he cries into her shoulder at 2AM.
"Lou!" Harry calls as he runs down the hallway to his friend. People are starring at him weirdly, but don't say anything since they know Harry is shy and doesn't talk to anyone.

He reaches the short boy and hugs him from behind. Harry inhales his scent deeply, loving the smell of the soap Louis uses. It had a manly scent to it compared to Harry's fruity soap. The curly haired boy loved it a lot.

Louis chuckled and gripped onto the taller boy's arms in an attempt to hug him back. "Are you sniffing me?"

Harry leans his head up from smelling Louis's neck, smiling sheepishly. "Maybe." Harry says.

Louis laughs, looking up at Harry. They stare at each other, trapped in one another's trance. Harry's the first to look away, realizing what was happening.

"So, heard any new gossip lately?" Harry asks, nervously. They walk down the hall to their first period class since the bell was about to ring.

Louis is in deep thought, trying to figure out if he heard anything. Which in fact he did.
"You know Jessica, right?" Harry nods. "Well she kissed Lily at a party last weekend because she was drunk. But, it turns out that she only had one cup, so she was just tipsy. When Lily confronted her a day later, Jessica denied the whole thing even though Lily knew the truth. I'm not sure if they're speaking now, but Derrick told me he saw them kissing underneath the bleachers near the football field yesterday after school. I intend on finding out what's going on. I need to speak with my sources." Louis whispered that last part to himself.

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