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hello! I'd just like to point out that I'm mad at myself for last chapter bc why woNT LARRY DATE ALREADY

my own story frustrates me, I just want my larents together already but sadly I don't want to rush this.

Let's all cry bc Larry hug

anyone want a dedication next chapter?
[mood: Don't Let Me Go- Harry Styles]

It was a Saturday afternoon and pouring down rain. It had been three days since the fight, three days since Harry kicked Louis out, three days since they've talked.

Both boys had just stared at their phone screens, typing and deleting in fear of sounding stupid and seeming clingy.

Especially Harry. He really regretted kicking Louis out. But, he couldn't help it. He let the anger take over and that's not who he is. Harry is a genuinely nice and caring person; he'd never hurt someone on purpose.

However, he has and that was his best friend. He regrets it so much, it's eating away at his insides that he's not talking to Louis. He misses Louis. Like, a lot.

But Harry is too afraid to talk to him because he thinks Louis is still mad at him. Harry doesn't like it when Louis is mad. Once he's mad, he completely shuts down -- short responses, nods and shakes of his head. Louis even got violent one time. Last year when they were juniors, this guy named Josh was annoying Louis because he was one of those stereotypical jocks. Josh kept at it until one day Louis snapped. He punched Josh straight in the nose, breaking it.

They haven't seen Josh since then.

Sometimes people still talk about it, or mention it to Louis every once in awhile.

Harry chuckled at the memory and sits up. He looks around his room, noticing something's different but can't quite put his finger on it. He just shrugs and gets out of bed. He goes downstairs and sees his mom in the living room watching Real Housewhores or something like that, he doesn't know nor does he care what his mom watches.

"Hey mom." Harry plops down next to her and takes the bag of chips from her lap, eating a few. Anne snatched the bag back from her son and playfully glared.

"What's up? How do ya feel? Gem told me about yours and Louis's fight."

"I'm sad and lonely," Harry started picking at the threads hanging from his sweatpants, "I miss him, mom." Tears started pooling in his eyes and falling rapidly.

Anne hugged Harry tightly and rubbed her hand up and down his arm. She started whispering soothing words to her, but Harry was hardly listening.

About an hour later, Harry had stopped crying. He quietly thanked his mom and kissed her cheek, going back upstairs to his room. He pulled his phone out and noticed he hasn't texted Niall in a while.

[To: Niall :-)]
Hey. I'm sorry I haven't texted you in awhile. Louis and I got into a fight. :-(

[From: Niall :-)]
It's alright, I've been busy anyway. And yeah, I know. Louis has been texting and calling me for the last 3 days

[To: Niall :-)]
What? He has? Can you come over? I want to talk to you in person about this...

[From: Niall :-)]
I'll be over in 15 minutes. xx

Harry was so glad that Niall wasn't busy. Otherwise, he'd be screwed. He wouldn't be able to let all of his emotions out with words. He's already done it with tears.

Harry can't help but feel like he's done the wrong thing. This feeling's been gnawing at his insides. Everyone is saying that he did the right thing, but perhaps not. Maybe they were just lying to him so he feels better. Well, it didn't help. Like, at all.

A knocking at his room door breaks him from his thoughts. He looks up and sees Niall in the doorway. Niall smiles lightly at him. Harry doesn't.

"Hey..so what did you want to talk about?" Niall asked carefully. It looked like anything could set Harry off. One slip up and you're done for.

"I think you know."

"Louis? There's nothing to say about him at the moment."

"What has he told you that he can't tell me?" Harry glared, furious now. His two friends have been talking behind his back and he felt so betrayed. Why couldn't Niall have talked to him? If he was talking to Louis about their fight, then obviously Niall must've known Harry was just as sad.

That's if Louis was even sad at all.

Come to think of it, Louis might've been mad, angry. Something other than sadness. Harry noticed this after a few months of becoming friends with Louis.

To mask his sadness, Louis gets angry. Instead of being a whiny baby about it, he punches something. Or someone. Instead of crying hysterically, he yells and curses. He does everything in his power not to show how fucking sad he is.

"He told me about your guy's argument," Niall trailed off, not sure if he should continue.

"Tell me." Harry demanded. He was feeling all sorts of emotions right now. At the moment he wanted to slap something and cry at the same time.

"Louis told me not to tell you, but he's...been crying. He's been crying a lot. He told me he feels like a fuck up. Called me several times at two a.m crying his heart talking about how much he-" Niall stopped talking, knowing he has said too much.

Harry looked at him confused, wanting his friend to continue.

"Well, go on. What did he say? I promise I won't get mad."

"It's not that you'll get sad. I actually don't know how you will react. Maybe relief. Most likely relief. Sad, too, probably." Niall started playing with his hands, seeing them more interesting than the conversation.

"Niall, please tell me. I don't care any more." But you do care.

Niall was hesitant for a moment, but said it anyways.

"He loves you. Louis loves you, Harry."

And, suddenly Harry's heart stopped.


Dun dun duuuunnnnn

lmao I tried to make it dramatic but I'm pretty sure I failed.

but yayy Louis confessed his love..thru Niall. Well Niall wasn't supposed to say shit but who follows "bro codes" anymore?

Hope u enjoyed this :)

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