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I'm sad that my reads and votes are lacking :( but I guess its my fault bc I've been slacking on updating. guys pls share this story with ur friends and ur friend's friends. I'd love it so much :) thank you.xx

There are rimes when you know something is wrong with someone. It doesn't matter who it is, you just know. You could look at someone and know there is a problem with them. But, you don't know how to address it. Or, you don't want to, but you know you need to.

That's how Harry was feeling. He knew something was off about Louis, but he didn't know what. And, he wants to ask, it's just that he doesn't know where to start. Harry knows he could just straight up ask 'what's wrong?' since Louis is his best friend. However, he was scared.

Harry knew Louis would just turn him down, or ignore the question. He knows Louis doesn't want to talk about because he hasn't said anything. They don't talk about much, just empty conversations. Louis doesn't even gossip anymore-- not that there was anything to gossip about.

Currently, they were sitting in history, watching a video Harry forgot the name of. He wasn't really paying attention, nobody was really. The curly haired boy looked at his best friend next to him, noticing he was looking at the screen, but not listening because he was in deep thought. So, Harry decided to pass him a note. Maybe just to how he is.

He took out a piece of paper and wrote, 'you ok, Lou?' Then, passed it to him, not having to worry about the teacher since she's busy grading papers. Louis looked down, and picked up the paper, reading it.

Louis looked at Harry, faking a small smile and nodding his head. Of course, Harry wanted to believe him -- he really did -- however, he just can't. And, it's eating him alive knowing that Louis won't tell him what the problem is.


After school, Harry was sat on the steps of the school again, waiting for Louis. Surprisingly, he didn't get in trouble this time. He just had to finish a test.

"Hey Harry." The green eyed boy looked to his left, seeing Niall. He hadn't seen him all day.

"Hello, Niall. What brings you here?" The blond sits next to him.

"No reason. My mom's late again. Louis in trouble again?"

Harry laughs, shaking his head. Is Louis that predictable? "No, he had to finish a test."

Niall nodded. They both sat for a while, enjoying the silence and the few cars passing by. Soon, the door burst open, Louis walking out with a pep in his step. Harry and Niall stand up, turnibg around to look at the smiling boy.

Louis looked at them, not even caring they were sitting together again. When Louis reached the bottom step, he jumped up, hugging his best friend tightly. Harry looked surprised, instinctively gripping Louis's thighs. And, if Harry was being honest, he's liking every minute of it.

Niall could tell.

"What's got you all happy-go-lucky?" Harry asked as Louis got off the tall boy.

"I passed my test and it boosted up my grade to a B plus!"
"Lou, I'm so happy for you!" Harry hugged Louis again, basking in his scent.

The only reason why they're so happy and excited is because Louis has been basically failing his math class. Harry has tried helping him multiple times but he never understood, giving up after one problem.

And even then that problem wasn't finished.

Niall cleared his throat, causing both boys to look at him. He smiled slightly, saying, "Congrats, Louis. And, see you later, Harry, my mom's here."

Harry waved and smiled while Louis had a blank expression. Then, Niall drove off and leaving the two alone.

"My place for celebratory brownies?" Harry suggested. Louis nodded quickly, rushing to the curly head's car.


It was around seven in the evening, both Louis and Harry lying on the bed with an empty plate between them where a stack of brownies once were. They were also sick to their stomachs and haven't even had dinner yet. Despite Anne saying only to eat two each, they ate them all anyway.

"Haz?" Louis quietly asks.


"Do you like-- do you enjoy Niall's company more than mine?"

"Why would you ask?"

"Just wondering.."

Harry sighed, not understanding why Louis would ask such a question. Almost as if he's doubting their friendship. But why after so many years? Well, three years, but same thing.

The green eyed boy really hoped his best friend wasn't going to leave him. He needs Louis. And, Louis needs him. It's such a mutual feeling between them. Harry wouldn't know what to do without Louis. He'd be so lost.

"Lou, you should know--"

However, Louis interrupted him. "Yeah, I know. Can you just..say it? Please?"

Harry didn't question it, knowing it's best not to. He obeyed Louis's wish, saying, "I would never leave you." And, that's all it took for Louis to grab Harry's hand, lacing their fingers together. Neither said anything, but that's okay.


It was yet another boring day, so Harry called Niall over and was thankful he wasn't busy. It was Friday and thought the blond would've had plans, but apparently he didn't.

The two weren't talking much, until Niall asked a question.

"Do you still have a crush on Louis?" Harry's head snapped up from his phone, looking at Niall like he was crazy.

"What? Of course I do. Why? Do you like him?"

Niall put his hands up in defence. "Whoa, chill Harry. No, I don't like him. He's yours, I'm not that shallow."

"Oh..okay. But, if I'm being honest, I don't even think its just a crush anymore. I think I love him. As in more than a friend." Harry said slowly.

It was true, though. He's had this liking towards Louis for a while now, and it's safe to say that he just might love him. There was no doubt about it.

"You should tell him."

"And why on earth would I do that?"

"Because he seems...stressed about a few things. And, if you tell him, he'll have one less thing to stress about."

Niall's words sunk into Harry's head. Louis is stressed? He didn't look stressed to Harry. Maybe he is? Oh well, he'll have to talk to Louis to know what's going on. Harry hoped it wasn't anything huge, and that his best friend wasn't hiding anything from him.

Cause that would be bad.
And that was a terrible ending, sorry. I didn't know how to end it. I wanted to write more but I'll save that for the next chapter.

QOTC: Have u seen the DMD music video yet? If so, what's ur favorite part?

My fav part was Liam working ok bye

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