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Hey sorry for not updating in a while. Sunday (08/02) was my bday and I had a nice day. Also school is next week ugHH so I don't think I'll be on as much but we all know that's a lie. Lol ok hope u like this chapter :)

It was now Saturday and Louis had absolutely nothing to do. Harry was visiting his grandma and won't be back until Monday at school. Of course, he could text Niall since they were sort of friends. But, he didn't want to.

He did it anyway.

[To: Niall]
Wanna hang out? :/

[From: Niall]
Sure. Not to be rude, but why me?

[To: Niall]
Well, idk if Harry told you, but he's not here. So why not? Just come pick me up.

[From: Niall]
Ok then...

Louis rolled his eyes. He doesn't necessarily like Niall, but he's an alright guy. He's kind of accepted the fact that sometimes Harry wants to hang out with Niall only because, "we talk about things that I will eventually tell you. Just not now." Harry reassures Louis that he loves him and will always be his best friend, but his eyes say much more than that.

That's like Louis' super power; reading people through their eyes. You can hide your feelings really good, but Louis will break through your walls, your barrier, that you've created. And, he knows he does this. Louis does it a lot. Even with Niall, Louis can tell that the blond kid is hiding a boatload of secrets whenever he looks at Louis. He just doesn't call Niall out on it.

Speaking of, a red Honda pulled up into Louis' driveway. Louis stomped his cigarette out, and walked to the passenger side of the car, getting in. He immediately rolled his window down, knowing Niall hates the smell. Yeah, so does Harry.

"Where to?" Niall asked, driving out onto the open road.

"Anywhere but here." Louis replied. The two ended up going to the mall, walking around aimlessly, and talking. Until Louis brought up a certain long, curly headed best friend.

"So, how are you and Harry getting along?" They stepped onto the escalator, going to the top floor of the mall.

"Real well. I didn't think I'd ever find someone who understood me like he does."

"What do you mean?"

"Harry understands that it's hard talking to people sometimes. Your hands get sweaty and start to shake, you feel nervous, like you're going to puke all over the place."

Louis pondered his words for a moment. He didn't know this much about Niall. He wish he would've known earlier, so that way he didn't judge him so quickly. Louis won't say this has changed his whole observation on the blond guy, he's already somewhat grown a liking towards him.

The thing is, if you're nice to Harry, then Louis is nice to you. However, if you're rude and nasty towards Harry, Louis will just come back harder. You see, it's a pattern; everything ends with Harry. The curly haired boy is a constant in Louis' life. And, he'll always be a constant in Harry's life.

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