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Louis and Harry have been best friends for 4 years - since freshman year. They tell each other everything. But not this time. Sometimes Harry has trouble being himself, which is outgoing and energetic; showing his true colors. Harry has been keeping the biggest secret since sophomore year.
He secretly loves his best friend.
As Harry walks into school many people greet him and he shyly waves back or smiles. He's a pretty shy person in public but once he's behind closed doors - his room - he's a ball of energy. Harry doesn't like all the attention on him but it happens anyway because of his best friend Louis.

Louis is always so hyper and never stops talking. He's literally the gossip of the school. Some think he's gay cause of how flamboyant he is. He's not. Louis just loves to talk shit about people and be sassy. Everyone comes to him to get the latest gossip. He thinks he should start charging five bucks per person. But Harry won't let him do that.

Speaking of, Louis walked into his first class of the day, immediately taking his seat next to Harry. Harry doesn't look up at first but then Louis starts poking him, knowing Harry gets easily annoyed and hates that.

"Hey, Lou," Harry responds, still not looking up from his book. Louis pouted slightly that his friend wasn't looking at him.

"Harry, look at me please," Harry lifts his head up and stares at him. Louis smiles and says, "Yay! Okay, I've got extreme gossip for you."

Harry rolls his eyes, since this always happens. Louis comes to him with "dirt" on someone and interrupts his reading. Not that Harry minds since it's his best friend. He enjoys the gossip too, but tries not to get into the drama. Harry motions for him to move on, placing his bookmark on the page he's reading.

"So, this weekend I went to the mall with my mom, which was exhausting, and I saw Stephanie there with this guy named Jessie. Apparently he's like, twice her age and just got released from rehab three weeks ago,"

"Doesn't Stephanie have a boyfriend, though?" Harry wondered. Before Louis could answer his question the late bell rang and the teacher walked in. Louis gave Harry a look that meant he'll tell him after class.

During the teacher's lecture about World War II, Harry couldn't stop looking at his best friend. He didn't know why - well he knew why. Everything about him just caught Harry's attention. His face, nose, lips, cheeks, and even his eyebrows. Don't even get him started on Louis's jawline. To Harry, his best friend is perfect.

"Mr. Styles, are you even paying attention?" the teachers loud voice startled Harry and the whole class, except this kid who was asleep, looked at him. Even Louis.

"Uh, yes," he stated more as a question. The teacher gave him an expectant look.

"Answer this correctly and I'll let you off with a warning: why didn't Japan and Russia sign the peace treaty?" Harry started panicking, not liking all the attention on him. He looked over at Louis and his face basically said 'answer the damn question already.'

Sweating slightly, "Uh, because..of the..Kuril Islands dispute..?" He let out a sigh of relief when the teacher told him he was right, but to start paying attention. How could I when the most beautiful person is right next to me? Harry thought.

Class ended soon and Harry was grateful. He hates history with a passion but only tolerates it cause Louis is there. Him and Louis walk to Harry's locker first since its closer to the classroom.

"So, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," Lou rolls his eyes, "Yes, Stephanie does have a boyfriend. At first I thought, oh maybe they're just friends, but no. Jessie picks her up, spins her around, and plants a kiss right on her lips. And guess what?"

"What?" Harry says as he closes his locker, them going to Louis's. Once there, Louis opens it and grabs his notebook for math and choosing a different pencil. He has this weird habit of using a different pencil for each class. He's been doing it since grade 8 and he still doesn't know why he does it.

"Stephanie has the nerve to kiss him back! And to think, she's such a sweet girl. Who knew she was a whore. I kind of liked seeing her and Ashton together. I hope the best for them. What do you think, Har?" Louis looks at him and catches Harry staring at him. "Harry?"

Harry, snapping back to reality, widens his bright green eyes. He's a blushing and stuttering mess, "Uh y-yea. A t-total whore. Pssh, sucks f-for Ashton, he's a s-sweet k-kid." Louis gives him a look of confusion. Before he could question Harry, the bell rings signalling class starts in two minutes, he rushes off mumbling a small good bye. Leaving Louis stood in the almost empty hallway confused. He walked the other way, wondering why he just left like that and why he was staring at him.

On the other hand, Harry was close to tears. The love of his life caught him staring. He never usually gets caught by Louis but this felt weird. Like a weird nice. Did that even make sense? Probably not. It felt nice because maybe - just maybe - Louis might notice him. More in which he already has, though.

However, things don't always go Harry's way. So therefore, he's stuck hiding his true colors.
that was just an inside look on how Harry's everyday life is. He goes to school, gets shy when people talk to him, gets an earful of gossip from Louis, and admires him from afar. Well not from afar but you get me.

Updates will hopefully be every Wednesday. If not then Fridays. Hope u enjoyed this prologue :)

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