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I lazily wake up to the morning sunlight that's beaming into my room, burying my face in the pillow as the light is too much to handle at 8 o'clock in the morning. Wait. 8'o'clock?, crap! I'm late for college I think to myself.

I spring out of bed, slip some jeans and a hoodie on and bolt down the stairs like a flash of lightening.

'Dammit we are late again' shiera says sarcastically.
Shiera is my tiger, she is a golden Bengal tiger with blue eyes, I shifted when I was sixteen, my foster parents didn't take it well. I had to run otherwise I wouldn't be safe.

'Ha your funny shiera' I laugh to myself. I start the ignition on my car and speed off towards the college.


I park near the gates and make my usual way to the gates and to my tutor room, where I see Sophie, my one and only friend. Her face lights up and she is jiggling around as if she is excited.

I sit down beside her.
"Oh my gosh you are never gonna guess what!" She squeals.
I take a give her a wild look.
"What?" I say waiting for this amazing answer.
"Well I have been talking to this really hot guy, and he is moving to this school, his name is Tom" she says proudly.
Normally I just shrug this kind of stuff off but something about that name gives me goosebumps.
"So when is he moving here?" I ask.
"Tomorrow" she says with a massive grin on her face.
"I'm definitely gonna bag this one Bella, I just know it!" She said whilst trying to impersonate a flirty person whilst twisting her long blonde hair. Sophie definately knows how to bag a guy, I mean everyone likes a bit of blonde hair and blue eyes. Me? Well I just have dark skin and royal blue eyes that seem to catch peoples attention, along with the big curly hair I call a mane
"Sounds good, can I be a third wheeler" I joke around with her.
She gives out a slight chuckle.
"Sure thing " she laughs again.
"Okay silence everybody while I take the register" the teacher expresses loudly.
The rest of tutor time is just me and Sophie just talking about all off our past relationships that definately went downhill.
As the bell rings for lesson I pack my books and tell Sophie I will meet her at lunch.

I walk out into the corridor into a ocean of people but there's one group of people I spot.
Darcy Miller and her group of 'friends' approaching me. Her eyes locked on mine.

I stand my ground, I'm not going to move for this mean girl.

"Oh look girls, I might need to call pest control for that stuff she calls hair, I mean it looks like a dead badger" she says mockingly.

"How lovely" I say bluntly with a straight face.

'Oh what's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Not gonna give me any 'amazing' comebacks" she scoffs.

I keep my anger levels to a minimum.

"I'm not going to waste my time on you" I say as I look her up and down in disgust. I turn around and start to walk away.
"Hey come back you ugly freak" she says. I carry on walking, suddenly I feel someone push me. Okay forget anger levels this is about to get nasty.
I turn around and back hand her which sends her flying as I used my tiger strength. Everyone looks at me with wide eyes.
A teacher comes booming through the crowd and screams at me
"Bella Wilson get to the principles office now!" He shouts.
He runs over to Darcy and tries to assist her.
"I tried to be nice to her but she just lost it and attacked me, I think we need to get her some help" she says innocently as if she didn't trigger my outburst! I look back at her as I make my way to the principles office and she smirks evily which makes me want to end her. But I won't, I'm already in enough trouble as it is.

'She'll get what's coming to her one day the evil cow' shiera hisses.

'At least your on my side with this". I say to shiera.

Yeah that's right, you piss me off? You piss my tiger off too.

'Some humans just need a kick in the head' she says violently.

I love shiera, she's my true best friend and we have some great conversations, she's been the one to keep me company ever since I fled. She keeps me sane, I'm greatful for her.


After my huge lecture off the principle and a lunchtime detention and isolation I decided to go straight home, shiera really wants a run.

As I come out of the college gates I catch a unfamiliar scent.
It smells like a musky forest scent which definately wouldn't blend in with the humans. I brush it off anyway and hop into my car.

As I drive past all the trees and the forest I can feel shiera dancing and jumping at the back of my mind because she knows she gets to come out today.

I pull into my drive and check if anyone is around, I don't have many meighboors, they all live a bit far away.

I walk into the forest and make sure I go into the depths of it. I start to run and feel the wind against my hair, I jump and shift in mid air and land gracefully as a big cat. I feel so alive in this form. I feel my big paws hit the ground , I run up a tree and laze around on a branch for a while.

I let out a big animalistic yawn.

Suddenly I smell the Same scent again and look to see a big blur of silver and grey whoosh past me.

Hey guys!
Thanks for reading my first chapter, I have the storyline blocked out in my head and I'm confident that the storyline should hopefully flow. So thanks and enjoy!

P.s I will try and edit as I go along!

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