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Bellas P.O.V

I lean back against the cold dark wall and try to contemplate why I'm still here. It's been well over a day since I've been here and hunger is starting to get the better of me, jheeze I could just eat a big fat juicy piece of chicken. This is when cravings for KFC start to kick in.

I look around the dungeon that I have been in for the last 24 hours, it smells of death and dampness.

I hear footsteps once again come ddown the stairs and light floods this dark place.

The same guy that came to see me appears again, this time with food.

He comes right up to the railings and slides a plate of tuna pasta under the railings.

I hesitantly move towards the plate and look up to see him smirking.

"Only the best for you kitty" he smiles evily. Thats when I loose it, I launch myself forward and grab him through the railings and smack his head of them.
"Listen here dog breath you better let me out this dungeon before I turn you into a hot dog" I growl, he cries out in pain after me smashing his head on the railings.

"You stupid bitch" he spits viciously, he gets out of my grip and stumbles backwards "you should feel lucky your not dead yet!" He shouts.
I'm not going to give up that easily I need to press this guy for answers.
"Just let me go please " I beg.
"I can't do that" he says concentrating on his bleeding nose.
"The alpha needs you, for something very special" his smirk soon returns before he exits the room, once again leaving me in darkness.

I let out a huge sigh and slump back down to the floor. I look down at the food and turn my nose up at it.
I may be hungry but I can't trust what's in this food, it could be drugged.

"Dont worry, the foods not spiked"says a small voice from the darkeness.
"The Fuck" I jump out of my skin. "Who's there?" My voice appears shakey.
A small figure emerges from the darkness, a figure that I recognize.

"Sophie" I say in disbelief.

Tom's P.O.V

"What do you mean she's gone?" My dad asks concerned.
"I mean gone, kidnapped completely GONE dad!" I say feeling very frustrated.
After I found that syringe last night I alerted the whole pack and no one had seen where she had gone, I haven't slept a wink of sleep knowing that Bella might not be safe.

"I found a syringe with wolfsbane in it, it had Bellas scent all over it" I explain to my dad.

"Bellas gone missing? " I hear Koba say.
I turn around to see him in the doorway, I nod.
"I'll get together a search party, we need to find her" he says with a worried look in his eyes.

"Was there any suspicious activity from any other pack members last night? Anyone you may suspect? Our pack boundaries are tight with guards there's no way someone could have got in"

"Well what happens if they did dad she could be anywhere right now she might be with the rougues or-wait" I think to myself.
"Josh could be behind this" I mutter to myself before storming out the door and marching straight up to him outside the pack house.
He sees me coming towards him and looks terrified as he notices my death glare,
I throw a punch at him and growl deeply "where's Bella" I shout, anger starting to flare up inside of me.
"I don't know what your talking about dude!" He cries.
"Dont lie to me" I scream before punching him again.
"Tom don't! We don't know anything for sure yet" Koba and Sabine shout before pulling me off him.
I'm panting heavily and I try to catch my breath before turning to them
"We need to find her!" I shout at them feeling the wolf rise within me.

Sabine pulls me into a friendly hug.
"I know your worried about her , we all are, but we need you to stay rational. Beating people up isn't going to help us find Bella" she pulls away and looks me in the eye "we are all in this together okay?"

"Okay" I mumble.

Hey guys
So here's another chapter, things will start to kick off within the next couple of chapters, and I have a MASSIVE plot twist coming up (; I hope you guys enjoy.
Lately I've had a bit of writers block , like I've had no inspiration but today was a good day for me.
Also I would like to say thank you for all the nice comments and votes for this book, you guys are my motivation for writing, so thank you!

Until next time X

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