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Bella's P.O.V

"Here i'll take your bags" Tom says as he exstends his hand, I give him my lightly loaded bag and he puts it in the boot of his car.
"Thanks" I say, I get into the front seat, he starts the ignition and I take a look back at the old abondoned house I once called a home, I'm slightly nervous. I'm going to be around Tom for most of the time now.
We drive past all of the dense forest and he puts the roof down. I inhale the scent of all the woodland and reminisce all of the times me and sheira ran around there.
"Are there any woods near this safe house?" I ask hoping there is.
"Yeah, there's a whole forest. There's no other werewolf packs that live around there as well, so you can go where ever you want" he smiles still facing the road.
'Yesss' shiera says excitedly.
"How did you know the tiger was me? You can't just know by looking at me" I laugh.
"When I stroked your head, it gave me the same sensation as I get when I touch you, there was no mistaking it...only my mate can make me feel like that"
"Oh" I say.
"So those wolves I attacked, where they your friends?" I ask, waiting for him to answer.
"Yeah, they were...but I know you didn't hurt them randomly, I guessed it was self defence" he says.
"It was my fault, I must have been near your territory and they got defensive, I hope your friend is okay" I say feeling guilty.
"Dont feel guilty, you only did what came naturally" he smiles.
We turn a few corners and I can smell new , fresh air. It feels good to have a new start.
"So are there many werewolves near where I used to live?" I ask curiously.
"Most of the people you knew are werewolves Bella" he states.
".....even Sophie, Josh and Darcy?" I ask.
"Yes" he answers.
I've been bullied and nearly raped and befriended by these people and not once did I see to check if they were able to shift into a wolf? Blimey.
I would never have guess, especially with Sophie. We have been best friends for years!

"What are you thinking about" Tom says smirking.
"Oh um...just about Sophie, how could I have never known?" I shake my head.
"Wolves are hard to spot " he shrugs.
"You damn right" I say with a accent. Tom just laughs and pulls into this driveway.
I'm face to face with a cute little house, consisting of maybe on or two bedrooms. The white exterior on the outside definitely highlights the word 'safe'.
Tom gets out the car and opens the door for me, I retrieve my bag from the boot and step into the house. It smells brand new.
"Has anyone else ever stayed here?" I ask.
"Nope your the first and only one,I'll show you were your bedroom is" he gestures me up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs there is a big hallway, with two bedrooms, both with onsuits and a extra bathroom, with a small living area.

Tom opens the door of the first room and there's a kingsized bed with a bedside table and a walk in wardrobe.
I gasp, I've never seen such nice accommodation.
I drop my bag on the bed and sit down.
I practically sink into the bed, which takes me by surprise.

Tom walks up to me and sits down beside me, he puffs up the pillows and pats his lap. I get the message and climb on top of him so I'm facing him.

"I'm going to be sleeping in the other room opposite this one, so you can have this bed all to yourself if that's what you want"
I nod, not wanting to move to fast.
I get this sudden urge to kiss him, so that's what I do. His lips meet mine and he starts off slow and I follow, my hands slowly roam over his abs. I seem to like the feel of them. He pulls me closer so my body is pressed against his. I feel his tongue sliding across my lip, obviously asking for entry. I gladly let him in, his tongue exploring all areas of my mouth. His hands start to slide up my top and he pings at my bra strap. This takes me by surprise and my body jerks forward towards his, I hear him chuckle and he breaks away and starts to softly kiss my neck. After he has caught his breath he speaks.
"You know where I am if you change your mind about sleeping arrangements" he says with a devilish but cute smirk.
I raise a eyebrow and laugh.
I then get off him and he hops off the bed and gets to the doorway, he turns around.
"So what does this tiger like to eat then?"
"Anything without nuts, I'm highly allergic" I say.
He gives a 'Okay' look and trots off downstairs.

As I hear him go down the stairs I take a look at the onsuite bathroom, and smile at the sight of it. I get my stuff out of my bag and hop in the shower, I let the burst of warm water cleanse my skin.

After around twenty minutes of enjoying a bit of hot water I wrap a towel around me and dry my hair and put a onsie one, obviously it's tiger print.

I go down the stairs to see Tom cooking an amazing looking lamb steak. My mouth waters at the scent of this steak.
"Someone's hungry" Tom laughs.
Tom then presents the meal infront of me, any tiger would die to have a meal like this.
'Marry him' sheira butts in to me drooling over this dish.
'Say what now?' I say in repsonse.
'He can cook, I like him she purrs.
'Shush you' I laugh and then zone her out.
"You looked so zoned out" Tom laughs.
"Oh um I was just talking to sheira, my tiger" I try to explain.
He raises a eyebrow
"Sheira? Well I think Luka likes that name" Tom says.
"Luka...you have a wolf don't you?" I ask
"Yep" he smiles as he joins me at the dinner table with his plate of steak.
A question then pops into my head.
"Can I ask I queastion?" I ask.
Tom nods with a mouthful of food.
"Why did you bite me on the night of the party?" I tilt my head, still feeling confused at this.
He swallows his food and begins to speak. He clears his throat.
"When I saw what Josh tried to do to you I knew I  had to do something, so other males would know your already taken. Otherwise a lot of other male werewolves would try to take you by force , just like Josh did" he looks up at me.
I nod ,
" So am I safe now?" I ask...
"Safer...from most things" he trails off.
"What do you mean from most things?" I ask as I glare at him.
"My dad, the alpha of my pack wants you dead for what you did to kaleb" I almost choke on my food at his words.
"But don't worry Bella, I would never let them hurt you" he looks me in the eye which is reassuring.

After I've finished my steak I wash up mine and Toms dishes and take myself to bed.


Its around midnight now and the weather has really taken a turn for the worst, there's a storm brewing.
I twist and turn in my bed and its no use, I can't get to sleep.
The lightening and the thunder crash down and its kinda starting to scare me. My whole bedroom is lit up by this lightening, I turn around and I can see the window.
The lightening flashes again but then my gut pings....as I see a masculine figure in the window.
I let out a little scream, jump out of bed and run across the hallway to Tom's room, there's no way I'm staying in there!

I quietly open the door and I can sense that Tom is sleeping, I make my way over to his kingsized bed and slip in.
His eyes shoot open.
"Are you okay Bella?" He asks with concern.
"Yup i just changed my mind" I whisper.
He gives a tired smile and pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me. This time I definately get to sleep.

So Bella is living with Tom!
Who do you think the man in the window was? Let me hear your thoughts! Vote and comment!


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