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Bella's P.O.V
It's been a few days since the party and I haven't heard from Tom, but he is all I can think about. I've become restless in my sleep, being up until stupid o'clock and I just feel empty....like something is missing.

The other night was very weird also, Tom saved me, kissed me and then bit me, like woah, talk about mixed messages.
And then he is saying that it was for my protection? I don't get it, nothing adds up! I think to myself in frustration.

I sit there on my bed in my what I call 'bedroom'. When my foster parents kicked me out I had no where else to go. I found this abondoned house that's on the outskirts of my town and no one thinks anyone is living here.
I was 16 when I got kicked out, therefore I wasn't able to afford my own house.

I lay there staring at the ceiling, feeling bored within myself for not being able to get to sleep.
I've been feeling restless all night.
I suddenly start to feel sick and I sit up exspecting to hurl but instead I feel a shiver travel through me. I feel my limbs painlessly changing and bending into something. I look up into the mirror at the end of my bed and my heart drops and I try to let out a scream but it comes out as a chuffed like sound.
I've turned into a tiger.
A tiger.
"Whats all the noise about Bella" Karen my foster carer says as she storms up to my door, it swings open.
"Oh my God!" She screams.
I try to go towards her trying to express that it's me and that I won't hurt her! But she picks up the nearest thing she can find which is a pair of scissors.
"Jim!" She screams in fear.
"Get your shot gun!"
Oh no this really isn't good.
Jim instantly enters the room with his shot gun
"Holy sh-"
"Just shoot!" Karen says in panic.
Before he can bring the gun up I run towards him and Karen and barge past then and run out the door, letting my newly found paws take me away.

-End of flashback-

The memory of that night always bugs me. Maybe if I didn't run....would I be dead? Probably.
My life has changed since then. Now days I have to walk alone for a reason, that reason being is that I know that no one will accept me.

I hop up off the bed and connect with shiera.
'Hey can we go for a run?' I ask.
'Sure, I've been dying to get out lately' she replies.
I laugh 'let's go then'

I let my big paws take me where ever they want within the forest.
I come to a place where the scent changes, it feels strange.
I climb up a tree to get a better view of where I am, emerging from the bushes I see four giant wolves, like these are not normal wolves.. they are huge!
I lay still and silently hoping the won't notice me, I realise that I might be on their territory.
As I think they have walked off the slowly creep back down the tree but then I hear a low growl from behind me.
I turn around to see the wolves glaring at me. I back away not wanting any trouble but the first wolf launches itself at me and bites my leg.
I throw the wolf off me in a defensive manner and hiss at them and try to run but they are all coming at me now. I feel like I'm being ambushed!
One by one I throw them off me but it's getting difficult, the one wolf goes to sink it's teeth into my neck but my instincts kick in and I swipe my paw leaving a massive scratch mark across the wolf's eye.
The wolf wines in pain and the others look at eachother and run, the injured wolf follows them but looks back at me and then let's out a low growl as if to say
' this won't be the last time'

I start to run back home, hoping I won't have anymore trouble for today.
'That was close' sheira says.
'Agreed' I say back.

As I get back to the house I look around to see if anyone is there and shift back, limping due to the bite marks on my leg.

Hey guys
So here's another chapter, we had a look into Bellas past. But hey let's look at what's coming up, things will start to kick off in the next chapter as Tom's pack find out some interesting news.....

Bah bye!

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