Chapter 6

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~Kellin's POV~
After eight hours on the road we made it to Cincinatti. As soon as the bus parked at the venue, I hopped off to call Vic and stretch my legs. After two rings he answered.

"Hey baby. How's the trip going?" I asked.

"We're an hour or so out from Pittsburgh. I miss you babe."

"I miss you too baby. What bands are with you?"

"Black Veil Brides, All Time Low, You Me At Six and a few others. Who's with you guys?"

"Memphis May Fire, Miss May I, Asking Alexandria and several others."on i

"Haha don't make out with Matty again babe."

That comment stung. I chuckled awkwardly before answering.

"Of course not. You are the only one I'm allowed to kiss baby."

I heard yelling in the background of the call and sighed.

"You have to go, don't you?"

"Yeah. But I'll call you when we're done with our show darling, I promise."

"Okay. I love you Vic."

"I love you too, Kells."

He hung up and I got ready for my show.

~The next day, Pittsburg~
~Vic's POV~
After our show last night, I called Kellin to tell him goodnight. When I woke up this morning, I heard a bunch of screaming.

"...and doesn't want to see you anymore bitch. Now go the fuck away before I call security." Tony yelled.

I walked out of the bunk area and to the front of the bus to see what was going on. I've never heard Tony yell like that.

"What's going on guys?"

They all jumped and Jaime came forward.

"It was just a fan that's been stalking us and she.... wanted to see you sleeping and... Tony got pissed."

"If she wanted to see me, you guys shoulda woke me up."

"Trust me, you didn't want to meet her." Tony said.

Whatever. I walked back to my bunk and fell asleep before we did our meet and greet.

~A few hours later~
At about 5:30 in the afternoon, we went to our meet and greet. There were so many fans I felt bad because we'd only get to meet some of them. As we walked toward the table, I saw a girl who looked like Saige. I stopped short.

"Mike, does that girl over there look like to Saige?"

"The girl in the PTV shirt?"


"Nah it's not her." He said quickly. "Now come on. We've got fans waiting."

We sat down and the first person came up and asked us to sign her shirt.

~Thirty minutes later~
"Hey, Vic. Long time no see, sexy."


"Saige, what are you doing here?!"

I can't believe she's here. What the fuck does she want?

"I have something to tell you. It's about Kellin."

"Mike I'll be right back. Saige needs to talk to me."

"The hell she she does. She just wants you back."

"It's about Kellin, Mike."

"Oh shit. You better go. Be careful, though."

I followed her a couple of feet away from the table.

"So I was talking to Danny from Asking Alexandria and he said that he saw Kellin and Matty at the bar and apparently they had a lot to drink."

"Okay.... What does this have to do with me and Kellin?"

"Well, Matty and Kellin were seen going in to Matty's bus and after that night, Matty was bragging about how he had sex with Kellin."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. Kellin had sex with Matty? I knew he fucking loved him! I was just a fucking joke to him. Well joke's on you asshole.

"Thanks for telling me that."

I walked away and pulled out my phone to text Kellin.

~The text reads~
Never fucking talk to me again. We are done.

Was Saige lying?? Is Kellin ever going to get Vic back?? Haha I love cliffhangers. Vote and comment!
~Nichole ✌️

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