Chapter 2

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Hawkpath nudged her kits up gently. Hazelkit opened her eyes and stretched. Seeing Hawkpath cleaning Sagekit Hazelkit got up quickly.

She scurried out of the small crevice in the nursery wall bareley able to fit. She popped out of the nursery and was back in camp. She saw a small she cat grooming herself outside of the apprentiance den. Hazelkit bounded over to her.

"Hello! Im Hazelkit." Hazelkit smiled twiching the tip of her tail happily. The she cat took a glance at Hazelkit and contiued licking her chest. Hazelkit rolled her eyes and padded away from her.

She twitched her ears irratibly. Suddenly from above she heard a caw. She curiously shuffled her paws closer under from were the noise was made. "Eagle! Get in the nearest den!" Falconstar hissed to the clan. Hazelkit sprang to her paws. She pelted over to the nursery.

This time the caw was closer. Very close. Hazelkit sprang to the opening in the nursery. "Im stuck!" She shrieked in terror. Still squirming for her life.

Somthing gripped down onto Hazelkits back and carried her up. "Help!" She wailed. She saw Hawkpath pelt under them and leap. They were high off the ground.

Hawkpath leapt up for her kit desperately. She bit down onto its leg and grabbed Hazelkit. The eagle raked its talons across Hawkpaths shoulder.

Hawkpath fell but fell with Hazelkit. The eagle flew away. Hazelkit purred and rubbed her head on Hawkpaths flank.

She put Hazelkit down in the nursery. "Why did you go out there?" Hawkpath demanded. Hazelkig flattened her ears agianst her head. Embarrassed. "I-I dont know. I wanted to explore." Hazelkit meowed.

Hawkpath rolled her eyes. She began cleaning her kits agian. Hazelkit wrinkled up her nose. She saw Owltail and Rockfall pad into the nursery.

Hazelkit padded over to Rockfall. He glared down at her curiously. "Just like me. My little warrior." He laughed and walked over to Hawkpath.

Hazelkit purred and stalked over to Hawkpath. She began licking Hazelkits fur in a neat way. "Here eat some poppy seeds for the pain in your shoulder." Hawkpath licked the herbs off of a small leaf and contiued cleaning her kits.

Owltail applied cobweb to her wound. She grabbed the leftover herbs in her jaws and waved her tail in a goodbye. She padded out of the nursery.

Hawkpath finished cleaning up her kits. She sighed and ly down on the ground gently. She wrapped her tail around her kits.

"Today your meeting the clan." She purred. Hazelkit smiled and shuffled her paws excitedly. "Its your naming ceremony. Since you are three moons old." Rockfall commented.

Hazelkit purred and batted at Crowkit. "Hey!" Crowkit meowed and launched over to Hazelkit. Hazelkit fell in her back as Crowkit played with her ears. "Hey dont play with my ears!" Hazelkit hissed and kicked him off. "Stop!" Hawkpath growled.

Hazelkit stalked over to Rockfall. She sat down in front of his paws and licked her paw. She twitched her ears hearing Falconstar call the clan meeting.

Hazelkit excitedly sprang to her paws. "Ok. Go." Rockfall meowed looking down at Hazelkit with a gleam in his eyes. Hazelkit poked her head out of the nursery and walked out. She stopped and waited for her Littermates.

Crowkit and Sagekit padded out of the nursery. One mouse length away from Hazelkit. She moved forward. "Three kits were born three moons ago. Hawkpath and Rockfall are the motherand father." Falconstar pleaded.

Hazelkit kept walking forward until she stopped next to a huge brown tom. "Step forward." Falconstar mewed. Hazelkit twitched her ears comfortably. She took a step forward with Sagekit and Crowkit.

"Tell the clan you name." Falconstar meowed and wrapped his tail around his paws. Hazelkits fur bristled anxiously. "Im Hazelkit!" She purred happily and Embarrassed.


She sat down in the nursery with her littermates. Sitting in front of them was a large magpie. "Ill take the first bite." Sagekit offered. Hazelkit curiously looked down at it. Her eyes filled with excitement.

Sagekit took a large bite off of the magpie. "Thats good!" She meowed. She lashed her tail back and fro. Hazelkit took a bite. She smiled at the taste.

Crowkit took a bite and spit it out. "Yuck! To much feathers..." He growled. He nudged it away with his paw. Hazelkit rolled her eyes and finished the magpie with Sagekit.

"Come on kits." Hawkpath called from in the nursery. Hazelkit padded into the nursery but was trampled by Crowkit and Sagekit. Hazelkit skidded into the nursery landing with a large dusty thud. She sighed and launched to her paws.

"Come on kits. Time to sleep." She meowed firmly. Hazelkit padded near Hawkpath and lay down by her side. "Rest up kits. Tomorrow you get to play in camp the whole day." She mewed. Hazelkits whiskers twitched in excitement. She closed her eyes and fell asleep curled up with her littermates.

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