Cold Blooded Murder

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How her ribs hadn't been smashed open with the pulsing beat of her heart, she would never know. The knife dripped with rich red blood that splashed as it hit the ground, the man took his last breath before going still causing her to go weak.... but it was not from the death of this man, a friend she had held dear to, it was the fact the man who had killed him had now only just spotted her and was coming to finish the job off.

The scene had been re-playing itself in her mind for the past few weeks, ever since the court case had been opened against this animal that had murdered her friend, Sam. Just the mere thought of her dead friend brought a pain in her chest that she doubted would ever go away.

Now, to get Justice for her dead friend all she had to do was stand up at trial and point at the man who did it and then would her friend finally be able to rest in peace.

Damn it sounds so god damn easy doesn't it? Pity she just so happen to be trying to put a Mafia Boss in jail.... not so easy now is it!

Witness protection around the clock, bulletproof vest and never being allowed anywhere on my own.

There must have been about five different attempts at murdering her in the last three weeks alone and things were only going to get worse as the court case drew nearer.

The Media were hovering like bee's to honey whenever she was near blasting her with questions and digging through her life trying to get dirt on her, screw them is all she could think.

She never wanted any of this, she being Kira. 16 years old with a death sentence hanging over her head, her future. Uncertain. Whatever fortune teller she went to would tell her the same thing, she would meet a cross road soon in her life.... one shall lead her to greatness of one kind and the other shall lead to certain death with a short life.

"Wow, thanks for nothing"

She growled under her breath as she exited the Fortuneteller, yet another 50 euro gone down the drain and she could have told herself that before she walked into the place.

The streets of Dublin were a live with people getting on with their lives; the sky was cloudy as per usual with nothing out of the ordinary as she paused outside the darkened shop.

Damian, her personal bodyguard while she was in Witness Protection, gave a slight nod as she turned her head slightly to make sure he was still there.

Kate, the undercover agent, was by her side in an instant giving her a slight nudge in the direction of their car, which was waiting patiently for her return.

"So is there light at the end of the tunnel?"

Damian asked as he swung the car out from its parking space, expertly swinging into the traffic that crawled through the streets. Kira made a noise that was more than enough for an answer for the bodyguard, who chuckled, Kate clipped the body builder sharply making Kira giggle at his facial expression.

The time ticked by slowly as she stared out the tinted windows, she already knew some TV crew was trailing them. She had grown used to seeing the different cars and scooters that had begun to trail them, Damian noticed this too with a frown muttering things under his breath that would make their ears turn red.

"Can't they give the kid a break?"

"They are media, its their jobs Damian.... and anyway, she is tough. She can take it"

Kate answered quietly stealing a quick glance at the flaming red head in the back, they had dyed her hair in the hope of shaking any Assassin's off her far so good but the media weren't falling for it.

Damian grew tired of watching them zip in and out of his wing mirror, time for them to know why he was the best man at his job.

She was shot into the back of her seat as Damian put his foot to the floor forcing the car to purr almost as he sped up turning sharply down a side alleyway, there was tyre's screaming behind us as the media tried to back up to follow us but already Damian had his foot floored and the media lost their track.

She relaxed back into her seat again, the fun was over as quickly as it had came and everyone was back to being serious again.... she sighed looking out the window, they were closing in on the centre of town where she was going to be hanging out for the day at a Garda station.

Pity that had been the plan until a bullet bounced off the window she had been looking out! The window cracked but didn't shatter but another bullet followed quickly by another, the bulletproof window wasn't going to hold any longer!

She screamed diving for the floor of the car while Damian floored it smashing the car into a bin sending trash flying, he was on the sidewalk driving at 90 while Kate had her gun out yelling at Kira to stay down...

It was then the road in front of the car exploded sending the car flying...

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