A Helping Hand

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The world slowed down as the front of the car lifted after catching the explosion head on, the windscreen shattered and she could hear screams in the distance. It didn't stay slow for long as the world sped up with the car spinning through the air and flipping, she couldn't tell which way was up or down and was being flung all around the car.

The car smashed down sending glass raining down on it's passengers, skidding to a halt in deadly silence...

A set of hands appeared, followed by another.

Damian kicked out his door after the handle failed, Kate was dragging herself out of the window with one side of her face covered in blood and got to her feet with her gun raised. Kira however had taken a worse hit as she had taken off her seatbelt to dive to the floor.

They were both yelling at her but it was as if they wereyelling from a distance, then her hearing came back with a bang, that came from a machine gun.

"I can't breath"

She panted holding her chest, her head was pounding from a slash she had gotten from the glass in the car. Damian, with Kate firing shots to give him cover, crouched down pulling her out. He was forced to remove the bulletproof vest which was making it hard for her to breath, there was still a certain tightness in her chest but she had bigger problems to worry about.

About five men with hats covering their faces except for their eyes and mouth were now closing in for the kill, each armed with guns and all of which were pointed at her! Innocent by standers that had been caught in the blast shattered the ground around her, some still alive with limbs missing and the ground was stained red with their blood.

Kate started firing shots while yelling out orders that were being received by the FBI through her ear piece, hopefully it was still working.

Damian helped Kira to her feet before whipping out his own gun.

Kira used the trashed car for support as she tried to get to safety, her vision was blurring and she felt a massive impact behind her and she was sent flying through the air.

The wind was knocked out of her as she landed, she covered her head as more debrie landed on her and looking up she was horrified to see there had been another explosion. She could no longer see her body guards and what was worse the men were coming for her... Out of nowhere a group ran forward in front if her.

She felt someone grab the back if her shirt dragging her behind a turned over car, looking up her Hazel eyes were meet by crystal blue eyes that sparkled with energy. His hair was short, spiky and a handsome shade of blonde. He held a gun at the ready, a line of daggers surrounded his waist and she could see the ear piece in his ear but this wasn't FBI...

"Stay the hell down kid!"

He ordered turning around to head into the face if death, it was then she noticed a tattoo on his arm of beautyful graceful dragon and then he was gone. She felt shock starting to set in as a body fell down right beside her with blood pouring from it's head, the mans gun slide over to her andshe grabbed it out of instinct.

She stole a peep around the corner of the car and saw the boy that had dragged her to safety was being hammered to the floor by two armed men, she saw he had been shot in the arm and wasn't using it.

They were going to kill him as she watched one pull a gun and point it at his head, she didn't know what she was doing but she sprang from behind the car and shot.

Straight through the man's head, dead as a door knob.

Even her saver was shocked as he saw the man fall, his companion however was seriously pissed and she was so shocked at what she had just done that she didn't have time to react as he raised his gun.

Her heart stopped as the first bullet pierced her right side of the chest knocking her backwards, the second one went into the upper part of her left arm. For one mere second she stood before collapsing face down with blood pumping from her chest and arm.

Her saver was on his feet the next second and a knife was protruding out the man's neck the next second, he ran over yelling something but she couldn't hear or even respond.

Her vision was fading away, he was screaming now and the last thing she remembered was being lifted up by someone...

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