Black Panther

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Thoughts, images and memories drifted across her mind in a mindless matter. It was almost as if they had nothing better to be doing with their time but annoy her and confuse her to no end, so much so that she couldn't tell what timeline she was in any longer.

"How she holding up?" someone questioned in the distance, she couldn't understand what this question meant or who even she was.

"She is ah good Snake, weak but she will ah live. Rest. You know yourself what it is like no?"

"Still can't believe he would dare use that poison on her, he really wants her dead" The same someone sighed, footsteps now getting nearer to her now. Ok, things were going through her head a little faster now. That sounded like Snake but the other dude, nope, not a thing.

"Take care of her for now Doc, I'll be back when she is well enough"

She felt someone pat her head before the footsteps echoed away before fading away along with the sound of a door shutting, there was muttering now with the shuffling of someone walking around.

Groggly she opened her eyes, blinking from the sudden light waiting for her eyes to adjust.

She was lying down on a very comfy couch with a rug covering half of her body to keep her warm while the top half of her was left normal, as soon as she tried to move her arm she found it all bandaged up in a sling around her neck. Even that small bit of movement hurt, a lot and drained her of the little energy she had.

"Ah! Senorita Kira, Your awake!" It was that voice she couldn't put a name one earlier, well here was her answer in the shape of a seriously charming man. Late 40's with close shave hair, his face showed no sign of his age but his eyes were filled with wisedom and knowledge.

"Doc's the name, thats what everyone calls me!"

He yelped as he bounced around the place with such energy she doubt she could ever have, she even thought he was high on something but this just seemed to be who he was.

"Where am I?" She asked, her voice was raspy and tired. She lay her head back on the cushion as she felt her strenght fail her.

"My house or one of my ah many ones"

Why was everyone so damn rich? Ya, it was Miami but this was getting out of hand! O wait, if Snake had brought her here then didn't this make him a Mafia Doctor and they get paid tons....figures.

All of this thinking had totally tired her out, her heavy eyelids were threatening to close now and they did so making her fall back into dreams she couldn't make head nor tail of.


For the next few days she remained on the couch besides toilet visits, people came and went all the time but never once tried to move her. Doc was always there doing his stuff and often sat down in one of the many chairs in the room beside the couch and read the paper. Sometimes he would even read it out to her just so she could be informed with what was going on in the world at that moment, she had grown fond of Doc in those few short days.

With each passing day she felt her strenght return painfully slow, her wound was taking its sweet time healing but it wasn;t long til she was able to sit upright and walk around slowly. Her arm remained in the sling on Doc's orders.

It wasn't long before she began to explore her new tempory home while she recovered, it was a small apartment block but all the floors belonged to Doc.

She was hanging around on the 2nd floor, Doc said she would be moved up into the living area of the building once she was sound again but for now she had to remain on the 2nd floor til she got better.

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