Plane Pain

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Any comments on writing or story line I'd love to hear! O and do vote please.... but only if you like of course!



A voice yelled at the top of his voice, silence followed after the loud voice before someone replied. His voice was calm, control and had a power to it that she couldn't put her finger on.

"She saved my life Kiba, it would be a poor thank you to have let her die there.... Anyway, you saw it yourself. One clean shot through the head, how long did it take you to do that?"

After that there was lower voices now that mumbled in the background, too low for her to hear or to make out. She didn't really understand what that conversation was about, her mind was so slow it was actually cruel!

Her body was stiff but there was tightness in her chest that she couldn't figure out, even trying to figure it out hurt her head so much.

She made the mistake of trying to move and that was when the pain came rushing back, it hit her like a brick causing her to snap her eyes open in a shot.

The light blinded her forcing her eyes shut before slowing opening them; it allowed her eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness around her. The source was from the setting sun that hovered over the fluffy clouds, she turned her head slowly to look out the oval window when it hit her.

How the hell was she up in the clouds?

As soon as she tried to move, she arched her neck biting down on her cheeks to try and stop herself from screaming. Her body was screaming in pain that erupted all over her body, needles of pain lashed across her skin making them piping hot.

Gasping she tried to lift her lift arm, but it failed along with her silence.


She moaned turning her head to find that her upper left arm was covered in a bloody bandage, it was tied tight and firm but all the same it was comfortable all the same.

Her thoughts were cloudy as she tried to shift into an upright position when she felt pressure on her shoulder, someone trying to gently force her back down onto the bed lying flat.

She hadn't noticed but the same green-eyed man had entered the room, his eyes were throbbing with energy now but were clouded with worry as he watched her flinch at his touch.

"You need to take it easy, you've taken an awful beating kid"

"Don't call me Kid"

She hissed as pain shot through her body again as she tried to move again, a hiss escaped her lips as she tried not to yell out loud. Her eyes moved to the open door from which the boy had entered, outside it were about four heads that peered out of their seats trying to get a look at her. Another appeared out of nowhere pulling the door shut, his eyes were filled of curiosity as he eyed her before shutting the door and voice's continued to speak on the other side.

She snarled as she felt a pince in her arm, turns out it was a needle being put into her arm.

"What the hell!"

She exclaimed before her entire body relaxed against her own will, the pain was slowly disappearing but so was she.


She tried to ask who he was but her lips failed her at the second word as she drifted off into a deep sleep, all she remembered was he saying, "I'm Ash"

It must have been another 3 hours before Kira woke up again; the sun outside was well gone and was now replaced by total darkness with an eerie light flooding her room. All but one window blind had been drawn, why that one hadn't been pulled down was beyond her but what did matter was that she felt a million times better.

Someone, Ash she guessed, had changed her bandages and had placed some type of gel on her wounds. There was a cooling sensation coming off it, she smiled pleased that he had been so nice to do so but it quickly turned to suspension.

Just who the hell was this guy anyway and what was he doing in Dublin armed with a gun?

It took some time for her to get off the king sized bed she had been placed upon, there wasn't a single soul in the room or so she thought until he grunted in his sleep a man on an armchair in the corner.

His head rolled to one side before he fell back asleep.

Each move she made was very careful, mainly because she feared of setting off the pain in her body again.

It wasn't long before she was at the door, she felt awful and tired but she needed to know if this was Demon's doing or not.... but that wouldn't explain them helping to heal her wounds...unless he planned on slowly torturing to death...

She'd hope it was none of them.

She was shocked by what she saw when she opened the door leading into the middle of the plane.

The President of the United States didn't have as nice a plane as this; each seat was made outta leather but not the one that sticks to your skin. The floor underneath her was warm to touch on her bare skin; the tables had swirls of deep rich colours on them, laptops were on most of them along with people sleeping on stretch out seats that turned into beds. Two people weren't asleep.

Ash sat facing her direction deep in conversation to a man who she couldn't see, only the top of his ginger hair. The two spoke for a few more seconds before Ash's green eyes trailed upwards and onto her standing there holding a support handle on the side of the plane if ever the plane was rocking and one had to move.

"You should be resting"

He said moving to his feet in a swift move and was already halfway towards her when the took a step back pointing a finger at him.

"Why? Where? Answer me!"

She asked shakily, the words tumbled out of her mouth unable to form a full sentence at once. The ginger haired man had now turned in his seat, a bemused expression was playing across his face as he waited for Ash to take care of the situation.

"Ya Ash, why?"

He asked jokily with a playful grin, Ash rolled his eyes before he gave him the middle finger and turned his attention back to her but looking happy.

"The answers will come in time, you're not strong enough at...."

"AW HELL NO! You don't know who I am or any of the shit I've had to do in my life now you either tell me what the hell is going on or else..."

She threatened making a threatening step towards him with a glint in her eye that made the ginger guy lean forward off his seat in interest, he was marvelling at it.

"Or what?"

He questioned getting to his feet now, Ash looked around when he heard him getting up. His face looking puzzled, he put out his hand to stop him from advancing anymore.

"CJ, Chill"

He muttered, but CJ took another step towards her and didn't get a chance for another as Kira lash out with a high kick without thinking. Bad move as the attack meant using her core muscles, which included the ones, damage by the bullet and moving her very sore ribs. She cried out falling to the ground holding her side, panting as she tried to keep the pain from over coming her but her pain barrier had fallen.

Ash was beside her in seconds while CJ had disappeared, reappearing again with a needle.

For the second time that day, she was knocked out by a drug...

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