Story boy!

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"Sloppy work, you come to Doc next time you get shot... I do neat and clean job on wounds"

Doc said as he examined the wound on her arm, she winced as he touched the inflamed area in question but didn't complain knowing he was the best.

"Didn't exactly have that option Doc, I didn't know if you guys were still alive or not"

He paused when reaching for his needle to re-stitch the wound before continuing on, "Kira dear, what happened?"

"I'd prefer to say it once Doc, its going to be hard enough as it is" She replied letting out a sigh, he stood back admiring his handy work before leading her back into the living room.

It was only then that she noticed CJ sitting upon the couch and other members of the Mafia in various places around the room, Snake was in the shadow of the window with his arms crossed staring at the floor.

Doc coughed once to get their attention, "Nasty piece of work ze bullet was, it had been removed but the damage was clear. Poison tipped and little claws edged from either side, making removing the bullet all the more painful"

He took his seat with that staring at Kira waiting for her to tell her side of the story, she noticed CJ's hands had turned white from the force he was holding them.

Snake looked up; his eyes once more glanced to her arm in the sling, before landing back on her face.


It had only struck her then that maybe they hadn't seen the Conference, heard of it but hadn't watched it.

They may think she had turned and that her being wounded was all an act.

It hurt to even think that they were thinking this.

"Where to start? With Kiba trying to kill me or him attacking Ash?" She asked not knowing truly where to start.

She honestly never thought she would see any of these people again.

"How about the part where you betrayed us?" Someone growled in the corner, she didn't know what hit her but the force felt like she was hit by a bus.

One second she had been standing in the middle of the room and the next she was pinned up against the wall being held by her throat and her feet dangling from the ground.

The man's eyes were wild with rage, his facial muscle's twitched with angry boiling underneath and his fingers gripped ever tighter around her already closed throat. She would have had a chance with two arms but with one out of action she was hopeless, she tried to speak but no words came out.

"Flynn! Release her at once, we will never get out answers with her dead" Snake growled, he dropped her to the floor at once where she coughed and sucked in glorious air.

"What the hell has gotten into you lot?!" She spluttered out rubbing her throat to ease the tight sensation that still lingered, Snake had never been like this before.

She looked around the room and that's when she saw something she thought she never would, smirking away as her eyes levelled with his, was Kiba.

Time seemed to stop only as the idea jumped into her head what may have happened.

"You're dead!"

She snarled but she had only taken a step towards him when she felt something cold touching her throat, from the corner of her eyes she saw it was CJ. There was no emotion in his eyes as he held her life in his eyes.

"Why is he here?" Kira demanded taking her eyes off him to look at Snake, the look he was giving her made her want the floor to open up and swallow her.

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