Two Weeks Of Change

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2 Weeks On...

Kira's thoughts on Ash and CJ had changed massively over those two weeks she spent with the two; they were as close as brothers in her eyes as she watched the two of them interact with one another.

Upon waking up after CJ had sedated her when her body had erupted in pain on that plane, she found herself in a modern but small cosy house. There was nothing major or strange about it and was nested in a small housing estate.

During those two weeks, Ash had explained little and CJ.... well when she did manage to get him to talk seriously she actually got nothing out of him besides what Ash had told her already, which all added up to that she was fine and that when she was 100 percent that they would then talk serious.

It made no sense but when did anything ever make sense in this big bad world!

She spent most of her time on her bed where it was most comfortable, her ribs were now healed and her war wounds were almost too.

It was heading on for the third week when Ash came in one day looking for her, she sitting on her window still looking out at the view from their house. It showed a playground were some kids were laughing and playing away with no worry in the world.

Sad thoughts welled up within her as she thought about Sam, her dead friend and also how her two body guards were.... she had grown to like the two as if they were her best friends.

"Its time for you to meet the others now"

He said making her jump, she hadn't even heard him come in the room, never mind walk up beside her. She had noticed that about the two of them, silent but deadly at the same time. She had grown used to the display of guns when they were reloading them at the table, poor Ash had to calm her down when she first saw them. She had thought they were going to kill her!

"Ash... who are the others?"

She asked, she had asked him so many times now and had never got a straight answer until today.

"This tattoo on my arm is the others Kira, trust me. If anything happens I will protect you, there is much you have to answer for yourself missy"

He answered getting up, leaving her pondering on what he had meant by questions she needed to answer. Either way she got up following him out to the car where CJ was waiting, his sharp eyes were snapping at any movement and as soon as she shut her door he was off driving.

Man it must have been a decent 3 hour drive before she felt the car slow down, they had arrived at a grand set of gates with spikes on top to prevent anyone from climbing over.

They opened quickly and the car didn't even stop as they sped up the hill climbing all the time taking the odd turn here and there with the road until the trees on either side opened up revealing the most beautiful house she had ever seen before.

Words couldn't describe it, cars were littered outside of it and they were all worth quite a sum of money she could tell. It was a massive mansion with grand features; she hadn't even noticed that they had stopped until Ash flicked her ear with his finger. He had been holding the door open for her; she got out and was hit with a freeze breeze.

Ash had loaned her some of his clothes, a baggy grey pair of trousers with a simple plain blue t-shirt but somehow she felt that she was wearing the right gear when she saw the people coming out the front door.... and they weren't happy one tiny little bit.

"Who the hell is she?"

"You bloody well have some nerve Ash!"

"You may be second in command Assassin but when Snake hears of this...stone cold dead the both of ye!"

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