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The oak protested at his abusive nature, threatening cracks formed in an upward fashion as it connected with the concrete wall.

Snake wasn't in the mood for messing around nor was he in the mood for this meeting.

His dramatic entrance distracted those inside the meeting room, AKA the sitting room of the house Pino owned in the centre of the city. He was easily one of the richest people in New York, something that he uses to get things done.

Flynn was gripping CJ tightly; the brute of a man was struggling with CJ's lean flaring figure and looked like he would need backup soon.

"Control yourself man!"

The mere sound of Snake's voice, his presence alone should have brought about order but it seemed he had to reinforce his power.

If he had to flex his muscles, people were going to be in shit.

"Boss" Flynn answered jestering his head at CJ who appeared to no longer be fighting, yet his tense body language spoke differently. "CJ, either you control yourself or I will have Flynn pin you down in the next room until this meeting is over. Are we clear?"

Normally Snake would have taken a softer approach to this situation, these people were his friends and served him loyally but today wasn't a good day for him.

Luckily CJ relaxed but Flynn remained at arm's length prepared to put him in a headlock if he so much as flinched in the wrong direction.

"Now, would someone wish to tell me when this pendejo is due to come online?"

A hiss came from his right, Alex stood in the corner of the room with his face shadowed by his hood, always one to keep his cards close to his chest but a valuable member of his street team.

"Five minutes or less, Snake" His whispering voice said as it travelled with the air, Alex had every reason to hate Demon's guts.

He did order the murder of his entire family, wiping almost the entire generation out yet Alex lived but bore the scars... his price for life.

"Nick! All systems online? Our location secret?"

"Let him try! His nerd is no match for me" The unusual cheerful nerd, Nick, answered from his corner. His Mac flipped open and series of wires linked up to the wide screen TV, one of the many expensive items that lay treasured in the room.

With all the information he wanted answered, Snake took position in front of the TV waiting for it to spring into life and meet his life-long enemy.

The small talk instantly died as the TV hummed before coloured flooded the once lifeless screen, it was a pity the colour was destroyed by the menacing face of Demon who sneering grin almost forced Snake to gag.

"Well little Snakey, it's been a while"

"Any length away from your vile face is plenty for me, what do you want toe-rag? Time is money, something your Mafia is running low on"

The sneer was dimmed slightly at Snake's poke, he soon recovered letting loose a bark of laughter.

"Now we both know that isn't true, I after all have man power. Something that your lacking in, you've turned to woman power and... well we all know how that is going don't we"

CJ drew in a sharp breath, his facial features tightened as he held himself back from smashing his fist into the screen. Flynn drew closer whispering words into his ear in an attempt to calm him down.

Snake himself showed no reaction besides his fist flexing.

He had to keep his cool; it was how his father had taught him to be.

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