The Dirt of a Mole

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All hell had broke loose within the house, outside of it as well as people were running around like headless chickens.

Inside the place was being torn apart trying to hide important pieces of information while others were moving all their stuff out to waiting cars outside. She took only a few minutes to clear her room out and dumped them in her stunning new car.

She was now helping Ash with some Documents that Snake wanted to keep, the stack she was carrying was above her head as she brought them out to his car and left them in the boot. "This is all happening all of a sudden" She commented as she helped Ash arrange them to make space for more in the boot.

"Something has gone wrong but at the moment all we can hope for is that we can get the most important stuff out of the house before those police arrive. Leo is about a mile down the road so he will warn us when they are near, hopefully we will have had enough time to get most of this stuff out" He replied dashing back inside.

She sighed as she followed after, she felt so useless and this was all because of her. If she wasn't a part of this Mafia then they wouldn't have to do this, they could just keep going as they are and not be rushing around like they are. Maybe if she just left then they could all go back to normal....

"Kira! We are outta here! Leo was in contact! Move out!" She heard Snake yell.

Fumbling with her keys, she eventually got her car started only to see she was at the back of the convoy of cars. Cursing herself for being so slow she fell into line, now came the hard part.

Who did she follow?

Snake's phone was busy and so was Ash's so she took it upon herself to follow the car in front of her, it took the left exit towards the desert side of the city where next to nothing lived.

Weaving through the woods they broke free of the low hanging brushes after a few minutes, she looked to her right and saw in the distance two black Hummer's followed by a trail of cop cars on the road they offen used to get to the house.

She hoped they had done enough to cover their tracks.

Her iPhone rung loudly almost giving her a heartattack, shee's! She was way too nervy of late.


"Where the hell are you?" asked Ash, he was looking out his wing mirror and couldn't see her anywhere. She was meant to follow him, Stephan was told to tell her that before they left.

"I'm following the black jeep in front of me, I couldn't see you guys so I just followed the jeep in front of me"

"Ugh! Guess no one told you then, everyone is splitting up going to different parts of the country. I'm guessing your following CJ's jeep or Billy's. I'll make a detour and should be on your tail in a few minutes, tell Snake there had been a change in plans and I'm going to L.A with you"

With that he hung up, she quickly punched in Snake's number to tell him the news.

"Nothing is ever simple with you is it? Fine, but your to be in New York as soon as possible ok? I need both of ye there by the end of the month, try not to do anything stupid ok?"

"Ok, I promise"

Haning up she returned her attention to driving, she didn't have a damn clue as to where she was going and hoped the jeep in front did know. It wasn't long til she saw the blue Mustang trailing behind her, her phone rang confirming that it was Ash.

"New York? Damn its been a while since I have been there! I hope the women I woo'd there aren't still there, could get a little awkard" He laughed on the other end of the line, she rolled her eyes. So Ash.

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