New Buddy?

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Ash had by now exhausted all plans he had thought of trying to escape, none had worked and now he was no longer in any fit state to try another one.

He didn't know where he was and didn't care anymore.

Yet he stayed strong and protected all the information he knew about El Frasco, not that Kiba hadn't already told them all he knew anyway but Ash was after all the closest person to Snake.

"How is our little friend today?" A voice suddenly said making him jerk his head in the direction he heard it coming from, a shiver ran down his spine as he saw who it was and let his head flop down again. "Come on Ash, surely you wish to greet me better than that"

Demon sneered as he stride across the room towards where Ash was handcuffed to the pole, there was a massive open fire on one side of the room with sofa's, a pool table and a huge widescreen.

The others in the room laughed as they saw the defeated Ash, his hands curled up into fists. They wouldn't dare do that if he wasn't handcuffed and on his game, he hated that there was nothing he could do and the fact that there was little chance of anyone coming to get him hurt even more.

His throat closed up a little at the thought of slowly dying here surrounded by this vermin.

He knew he lived life on the edge and knew he could die at any moment, but this wasn't how he planed on dying.

Demon grabbed Ash's chin pulling it upwards to look at his own face, Ash stared coldly back at him and curled his upper lip into a snarl showing his hatred for the man. "Humph" He said shoving his face away in disgust and walked over to the fellow members of his Mafia.

"What news do you bring me? Anything on my girl?" He asked taking his large seat at the top of the room towering over everyone else. Ash let his head fall and listened closely, who was his girl?

Kiba shifted in his seat looking pleased with himself, "She has given herself into the police and currently attending a conference in New York. It should be aired in the next couple of minutes on this channel" He said cocking his head in the direction of the TV, it had been muted.

Kira was his girl?! Bile filled his mouth at the thought of Kira being Demon's bitch, he'd give his own life to prevent such a thing happening!

"My, My. How she has came on! Quite the foxy lady I believe, wouldn't you agree Ash?" Demon asked looking to the back of the room where Ash was held; he spat in response and growled back,

"She will finish you!"

"Ya ya ya! Pipe down, she is on" Demon snapped making everyone in the room flinch; he flicked the volume up on the TV and eased back into his chair to watch in comfort.

It was far from comfortable to watch, Ash looked up as he heard the voice of Kira and watched stunned as she spoke.

He felt his chest swelling with pride as he heard Kira speaking the language of their Mafia; it was short lived as the TV cracked. Demon looked like he was about to explode.

"How dare she?!" He screamed getting to his feet, his voice strikes fear in all hearts in that room and most made themselves appear as small as possible. Ash had to smile as he saw their reaction, their feared their leader! Sure it was like this in all Mafia's but people in El Frasco feared Snake for different reasons.

It was clear from this that members of this Mafia were here because they were afraid of Demon, not because of their own free will.

"If it's a fight she wants, its one she shall get... but on my terms. Not her's.

And I know just the bait to get her to agree" He growled whirling around to face Ash who was smirking at Demon.

She had touched a nerve.

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