Ze Awsome Car

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As you guys can see I'm uploading pictures of what each Charactor looks like, the blond one is of Ash a few Chapters back and so on..... just so you guys know what they all look like and there is one of Snake as well....totally suits Snake's role!

Thanks so much!


He lunged at her with that killer glint glimming in his eye, it was either move or die! She dive rolled off to her right with a groan from the crowd as his attack missed her by a mere hair's breath.

That had been too close, she wasn't able to react as quickly as she usually could but why.....that electric shock! Kiba must have paid off that man to do it! Thats what those two men had meant by the slave treatment, weaken the strong ones so that people betting and watching could get a good fight.

Nice and bloody with the favourite winning.

The boy was already back up and on his feet, circling looking for a weak point. Not his first time fighting as she could see but it was her first serious life or death hand to hand combat!

No time like the presence to learn important skills in life! She got serious and made her own attack.

Snake's POV

Kiba was beginning to become annoying and he would have to deal with the man soon before his gang of followers rose up against him, he couldn't risk that happening... not in a time when his leadership was being tested to its limits as it was.

He was testing Snake to see how he would react if an objection was put in another the girl, Kira.

Kiba had got his chance to get her out of the Mafia when her face was plastered all over the news, his mole had warned him that something like this was going to happen but he had done his best to try and prevent it.

Snake was disappointed the man wasn't able to keep it quite but then again this was going to become world wide news, he could still use it to his advantage.

Angry raged through him as he watched Kiba disrespecting the memory of his one and only love, she had beauty beyond this earth itself. It was true that Kira reminded him of her and this was why he felt so protective over her but it seemed he had made his feelings too clear.

She was now in the firing line, people would want to harm her just to get to him.

He would do his best to protect her but his Mafia came first as far as he was concerned, that was his main reason for getting her to join. She never said she wanted to but Snake knew it, well she didn't complain anyway.

He had to laugh at the way Doc made up a lie just to get her down, good thing he injected her before she could get up. He doubted they would have been able to put her under without force otherwise.

It had taken a while to turn Ash around to the idea, she reminded him of himself when he was young and didn't want to see her turn out like him.

"And look where you are now" He had replied, Ash was still sulking when they had arrived at Doc's and it had been a fight to get him to go up and keep Kira distracted while he spoke with Doc about what was going to happen.

Even Doc had noticed how protective Ash had become of Kira, even Snake himself which Doc quickly questioned.

He chuckled quitely but Ash heard this even over the loud roars of the crowd, "How can you laugh when she is getting killed out there?" He hissed returning his eyes to the battle going on down below them.

Ash was right! Snake looked down to see Kira go flying into the wall of the fighting area, she slid to the floor in a heap before struggling to get up.

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