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Taehyung's point of view

Today was my third day at school. I was frightened to death, my nerves got the best of me after Jimin left yesterday. I spent the whole night scared that my parents were home. If they heard anything then I'm probably going to be dead when I arrive back home.

I put my back pack onto a hook inside of my grey locker. I look at my schedule, which I saved on my phone. Maths is first, okay great. Obviously my "favorite" subject would be the best way to start off a damn Wednesday.

I sighed as I grabbed my math book. I should get Jimin to help me with this stuff, I suck at it. He seems like he's good at math.

"Hey loser." I hear a deep voice speak from behind me.

I turn around to see Jimin staring at me. I thought he would skip today, like he did yesterday.

"What do you have first period?" Jimin places his arm around my waist.

"Math, what about you?" I brush my hair back from my forehead. Jimin should really stop being friendly during school, someone might think something then make fun of us.

"Language. Meet me at my locker for lunch, okay?"

I nod my head, smiling up at the slightly taller boy. He grabs my chin and places a kiss onto my lips. Pulling away faster than I wanted, he glares at the people staring at us.

"Fuck off and mind your own business!" Jimin yaps at everyone in the hall. He turns back to me. "Don't worry about them. I basically control these halls, they shouldn't bother you. You're fine babe."

"Th-thank you."

He nods, waving as he walks off. Now I have no chance of making friends, great. Thanks Jimin.

I sigh, putting my head down as I grab my books and walk to my first class.


My math text book stared at me while it layed on top of my desk. How do I answer this question? God dammit! Why is math so fucking hard? I sigh, slumping down in my seat. Maybe Jimin knows some of this stuff, I should ask hi-

"Taehyung! There's someone at the door for you." My mother's voice yanks me out of my thoughts.

I scramble out of the woobly chair, also managing to fall on the way down stairs. Great job, Taehyung. I open the door to see a fimilar face.

"Hi babe." Jimin's voice rings through the hall way.

I jump and cover his mouth with my hand, which smelled of pencil led. "Sush, my parents don't know I'm gay."

Jimin's eyes widen. "S-sorry Taehyung. I shouldn't have been so obnoxious."

"Anyways. Why are you here?" I question the now shaken up boy.

"I just wanted too see you. Is that wrong?" Jimin pouts. His arms cross over his chest as he does so.

I roll my eyes, waving him inside. "You should know where my room is."

He nods his head, dragging his feet along the floor.

We get up the stairs and into my room in no time before Jimin has my arms pinned against my wall like the other day.

"How'd you enjoy yourself the other day?"

"J-jimin we can't. My parents are home." I gasp as Jimin's hand is placed above the waist line of my sweat pants. He brings his other hand around my neck, causing me to gasp again.

"You'll just have to be quiet." I stare up at the taller hyung as he finishes his sentence.

"Jimin." I gasp out, his hand gripping onto the base of my cock. I bite my lip trying to hold back moans. He drags his hand up and down my shaft, creating a rhythm. I buck my hips into his hands while he whispers sweet nothings into my ear.

"Taehyung, supper's ready!" My mother calls out just as Jimin gets onto his knees.

"Fuck!" I whisper under my breath. Jimins lips wrap around me, his nails digging into my back.

"I'll be out i-in a minute." I screech out to my mom.

Jimin looks up at me through his lashes. His put my hand on the back of his head and push him further onto me.

"Faster." I beg the boy who's face is now red. He nods, going at a faster pace. I buck my hips again, his nails scratching up my back from my movement.

I feel the pit in my stomach grow bigger by the second and before I know it my cum is flowing down Jimin's throat.

Jimin smiles up at me while licking the rest of myself off his lips. He stands up and leans into me. "Next time you're helping me."

I nod, completely forgetting that my mom had told us that dinner was ready.

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