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Jimins point of view

my arms stretch above my head while yawning. Today is Thursday, I get my letter from the collage I applied to today. I'm really hoping to get a yes, other wise I give up.

Me feet land on the cold ground, causing shivers to rank down my spine. I sighed, heading toward my closet and picking out a pair of black sweat pants along with a random gray T-shirt. I threw the clothing on then checked out my hair in the mirror. It look good enough, I shrug my shoulders than head out of my room and into the kitchen.

Half an hour later I arrived at school to find no sight of Taehyung. I shrugged it off and continued to make my way to Math class.


Lunch rolled around, I bolted from the school building. I ran across the street into the pit, out of breath.

"Hey guys, what's for lunch?" I question the 5 men standing around the parking lot. All five shrug their shoulders and I sigh.

"Let's order pizza." I say. All heads shoot up in the matter of seconds.

Yoongi cheers loudly, clapping his hands. I laugh at him while we all head up the stairs.

We make it too the pizza parlor within 10 minutes, thanks to Namjoon's car. We all step out of the vehicle, which surprisingly fits all six of us in it. I step on the ground, only to be wrapped in someone's arms while being carried into the parlor.

"Put me down!" I yell at the person carrying me. I hear everyone laugh from ahead of me and I roll my eyes. I can't move my head to see who is actually carrying me. Everyone sits down in a both as I'm set down onto the floor. I look up to see Suga smiling down at me. I stand up and slap his chest. He knows I'm scared of heights, I'm going to punch him in the throat.

"What do you guys want?" Namjoon speaks while handing us all menus.

"I can't stay long, I might miss my afternoon classes." I scowled the older boy who's now smirking at me.

"Since when did you care about school? Also are you going to make it to the fight?"

"I just don't want to miss class today, I have a test coming up." I open my menu, staring at my options. "Also yes, I'll be there."

Namjoon nods at me, worry in his eyes. I know I never stay in school, but he doesn't have to worry about me, I'm perfectly fine. Just worried about Taehyung.

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