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Jimin's point of view.

I watched as Taehyung walked away from me. My heart sinking in my chest as he walked down the road. I've messed up again. Why the fuck won't he just talk to me? I swear I mess everything up.

I should lock up before anyone else comes in. My body is dragged over to the door, I lock it before turning around. I ball my fist by my sides and breath heavily.

"Fucker!" I scream, I grab my hair and pull on it. Dropping to my knees I continue yelling names at myself. "Stupid! Useless! Unwanted piece of trash!" Tears roll down my face as I pant, trying to catch my breath. I pull myself into a ball of pity and roll onto the floor, not caring about the dirt laying under me. My hands wrap around myself and before I know it i'm crying. Bawling. I can hardly breath as I try to calm down, but I can't. How can he affect me so much? Why am I crying my eyes out for some stupid boy? God, two months ago I would probably be out drinking, not crying over Taehyung. Half the school isn't scared of me anymore because I've gone soft.

Taehyung's point of view.

I've been sat at a bench outside of the shop for a few hours now. I didn't even have the energy to go and buy myself the bobba I promised my mom I would get. With a big sigh I stand up and start to walk away from the bench.

"Hey! Wait. Taehyung please." A voice calls from behind me. I stop in my spot and turn around slowly. Scared of who it might be, its definitely not Jimin, his voice isn't as high. Once i'm fully turned around, I see Jhope staring at me. "Please, just give him a chance. He hasn't been acting like himself lately, h-he's gone soft."

"Yeah? And what's so bad about that?" I snap at him. Jhope looks surprised. I smirk, gaining confidence. "Well?"

"U-uh. Um, well. Jimin has a secret Taehyung. He and I are the only ones who know it. Not even his other members know about it." Jhope speaks timidly. ''H-he um. He runs the biggest drug dealing in Korea..'

''Wha-" I shake my head. "No. That's not true. Yo-You have to be lying."

"I'm not. He needs you. Really badly, he can't go on anymore. He has so much stress on himself from getting himself into this. Please, try and forgive him."

I stand, mouth wide open in front of Jhope. How could this be? The sound of a plane flying over us breaks my eye contact from the ground. I stare up, taking in the night sky. I turn to Jhope once more before nodding my head then walking away.

Authors note ♡ (please read)

uPDAte uPdAye yEyy. Also before I forget how do you guys feel about doing a Q&A with the characters ?? I guess in the next chapter you can comment questions and who they're for, idk. I'll figure it out by the time I publish chapter 13.

This chapter was so emotional for me to write jfc. So yeah, that's Jimins secret. It was going to be something completely different, but I sort of lost track of where I was going in the book and it didn't really turn out as I planned, and hey I delayed the exo fight which I was excited to write. Also I forgot to tell you guy when they arrived in the mail, but i got my bts photo cards like two weeks ago, very excite. I got stickers and a tiny poster with them :D

Also this chapter is short asf, expect a lot of changes and stuff in the next few chapters. Also i'm writing up a few new Yoomin/Vkook and Namjoon books, so when I publish them maybe give them a look! Also today I was looking up publishing websites in Canada, and I found a few but i'm just gonna ask my local Coles (a book store) about it next time I go.

And lastly idk if any of you are up for it, but maybe I could do a Q&A for myself? Like you can ask me questions about the book, future books and maybe stuff about myself. Its up to all of you if you want to or not, I know a lot of people probably skipped over this author note so idk if I'll get feed back at all, anyways that's all, bye frens

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